Wish List Welcome

This widget allows the merchant to provide general welcome information to a shopper about the wish list capability on their site, such as messaging to encourage wish list creation, wish list features, and benefits of having a wish list.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

In the administration interface, Layout preview, only the logged out state of this widget is displayed, showing the introductory welcome message that a non-logged-in shopper sees when accessing a wish list, as well as log in and create an account buttons.

The Wish List Welcome and Wish List Content Header widgets are associated. The Wish List Welcome widget displays the logged out UI. The Wish list Header and Wish list Content widgets show the logged in UI. The Wish List Header widget determines which wish list to show, and Wish list Content widget shows the wish list determined by the Wish List Header widget.

It is available in Components for use in the Wish List layout.