Troubleshooting job sequence messages

This page lists the messages when working with the job sequence endpoints:

Error messages

The following list describes all error messages you may encounter when working with the job sequence API endpoints.

Message Notes
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence can't start because it's not published. Publish changes before starting."
This error occurs when a user is attempting to start a job sequence, but the job sequence has not been published yet. After creating or updating job sequences, you must publish your changes, before you can start the job sequence.
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence can't start because it's not active. Set the job sequence to active before starting."
This error occurs when a user is attempting to start a job sequence, but the job sequence is not active yet. Update the job sequence and set active to true.
  "runId": "8F12953C5C9E4223948E023834834D51dd",
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence with flowId = XXXX and runId = YYYY can't be stopped because the current status is ZZZZ."
Users may see this error when attempting to stop a specific run of a job sequence, but the job sequence is not running yet. Verify whether the job sequence is running, and retry the request.
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence with flowId = XXXX can't be stopped because it's not currently running."
Users may encounter this error when attempting to stop a sequence, but there are no running jobs within the sequence. A job within the sequence must be running, for the sequence to be stopped.
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence can't start because flow id = Flow 1 is not found."
This message may appear when users are attempting to start a job sequence, but the job sequence with the specified ID does not exist.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The job sequence can't start because it doesn't have an initial job. Configure an initial job before starting.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when the user is attempting to start a job sequence, when the job sequence does not have jobs configured within the job sequence.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The job sequence can't start because there was a system error when starting job: CXU_JOB_1631314122.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when the user is attempting to start a job sequence, but the system cannot start the job in the job sequence. Verify if the job is configured correctly.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "No job sequence found with flowId = XXXX.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
Users may see this error when retrieving job run details, but an invalid flow ID was specified.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "No job sequence found with runId = XXXX.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
Users may see this error when retrieving job run details, but an invalid run ID was specified.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "A job sequence with flowId = Flow1 already exists.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
This message appears when you attempt to create a job sequence with a flowId that already exists. Ensure the flowId for the job sequence is unique, and then try again.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "No job sequence found with flowId = Flow1.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
This message appears when viewing, updating, or deleting a job sequence that does not exist. Verify the flowId is correct and retry the request.
  "runId": "8F12953C5C9E4223948E023834834D51dd",
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "The job sequence with flowId = XXXX and runId = YYYY can't be resumed because the current status is ZZZZ."
This message appears when resuming a job sequence, but the job sequence status is not FAILED. Job sequences must be in failed status (stopped by the system) to resume.

Validation messages

A validation message appears when saving or updating a job sequence. The following is a list of all possible validation messages for job sequences:


Message Notes
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The job sequence can't start because it doesn't have an initial job. Configure an initial job using 
the \"depends\" parameter and empty brackets.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when starting a job sequence with no start job. The first job in the sequence with an empty depends array, will be the starting job in the sequence.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "FlowId can't be null/blank.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence and a flowId is not specified.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "FlowName can't be null/blank.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence and a flowName is not specified.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "Value for Job id is missing.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence, where a jobId is not specified.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "Value for Job id is not unique.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence, and a jobId is not unique.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The job sequence requires more than one job in its configuration.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence, and the sequence does not contain more than 1 job. A job sequence must contain at least 2 jobs.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "Individual jobs can't have more than one dependent job. Configure multiple dependent jobs using the \"GATE\" type.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when a job has more than 1 dependent job. To configure a job with more than 1 dependent job, you must configure the job as a gate.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The \"GATE\" job type requires more than one job in the \"depends\" parameter.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when a gate job type does not have more than 1 job. Gate job types must have more than 1 job configured.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "The cronExpression value for scheduling the job sequence is invalid.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when an invalid cronExpression is specified. See Scheduling job sequences for more information.
  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "A loop is detected in this job sequence, so it can't be created/edited. Make sure that job dependencies
in the job sequence don't cause looping and re-submit your request.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",
  "o:errorDetails": []
This message appears when saving or updating a job sequence that contains a loop. Verify your job sequence's gate dependencies do not contain a loop.

Learn more

Job sequences