Viewing job sequence run details

These endpoints enable you to view the run details of your job sequences.

View all job sequence run details

This endpoint enables you to see a list of all of your job sequences and each of their run IDs, statuses, start times, and end times.

Service URL

GET {host}/api/cx-unity-api/flows/{flowId}/runs

Path Parameters

  • flowId - The job sequence's flow ID to view.

Request body



A successful response returns a list of the job sequence's run details.

    "runId": "42d0b95025bd4c97b4d8263ec86504b7",
    "status": "KILLED",
    "startTs": 1612437282991,
    "endTs": 1612444622566,
    "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"
    "runId": "97feedb6b00247a3bd9c94dad5b23f45",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "startTs": 1612356102706,
    "endTs": 1612356807797,
    "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"
    "runId": "a46b7ba4972a455b98d5720016359242",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "startTs": 1612355202624,
    "endTs": 1612355922803,
    "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"

View a job sequence's run details

This endpoint provides the status of each job in the particular run along with details such as the status, start time, and end time.

Service URL

GET {host}/api/cx-unity-api/flows/{flowId}/runs/{runId}

Path Parameters

  • flowId - The job sequence's flow ID to view run details.

  • runId - The job sequence's run ID to view run details.

Request body



A successful response returns a list of the job sequence's run details.

  "runId": "42d0b95025bd4c97b4d8263ec86504b7",
  "status": "KILLED",
  "startTs": 1612437282991,
  "endTs": 1612444622566,
  "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0",
  "jobRuns": [
      "runId": "42f8ffe566da11ebb1eb0000170024b2",
      "status": "KILLED",
      "startTs": 1612437323956,
      "endTs": 1612444622545,
      "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"
      "runId": "36ce602466da11eb89540000170024b2",
      "status": "KILLED",
      "startTs": 1612437303510,
      "endTs": 1612444622509,
      "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"
      "runId": "2b4b721366da11eb903f0000170024b2",
      "status": "KILLED",
      "startTs": 1612437283111,
      "endTs": 1612444622456,
      "startedBy": "0d21396c936a4e41afda8d44523d6dc0"

Sample error responses

No job sequence found with flowId = XXXX: This message appears when the specified flowId can't be found.

  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "No job sequence found with flowId = XXXX.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",

View a job sequence's next run time

This endpoint enables you to view the next 5 job run times for the specified job sequence.

Service URL

GET {host}/api/cx-unity-api/flows/{flowId}/nextRunTimes

Path Parameters

  • flowId - The job sequence's flow ID to view run details.

Request body



A successful response returns the job sequence's next 5 job run times, expressed in unix time.

  "nextRunTimes": [

Learn more

Job sequences