Augmenting Data

The augmentation process adds grouping and computational attributes that add intelligence to your data set. Oracle Unity can perform calculations and computations on your data records based on these attributes. The types of aggregated attributes available in your master entities are Aggregated Attributes and Bucket Attributes. Unity comes with several out-of-the-box aggregated attributes you can quickly and easily add to your mastered data.

Example: The "total_spent_amt" attribute can sum all the purchases for all distinct customers in your mastered data.

Aggregated Attributes

An aggregated attribute performs a computation on a set of data. The available computations are determined by the model object the attribute references. For example, "total_spent_amt" is an aggregated attribute that sums the total amount that a customers spend on goods and services. The "total_spent_amt" references a model called "CA_OrderItemModel", which defines dimensions and measures relevant to the data being computed.

Model objects are foundational to aggregated attributes. One model can support multiple computations for different aggregated attributes.

For example, "CA_OrderItemModel" can help you sum the total amount spent by customers, but can also help you identify the top product, the top brand, the most popular day of the week for shopping, and the total number of returns on orders, to name a few.

Bucket Attributes

Bucket Attributes group data according to rules you specify. Bucket attributes are based on another attribute (either a data object or an aggregated attribute).

For example, "age_bands" is a bucket attribute, based on the age attribute, that groups customers by their age into the following buckets:

  • Under 18

  • 18-44

  • 45-64

  • 65+

Next steps

Creating custom intelligent attributes

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Master Entities