Determining Tenant Access Keys and Tenant IDs

Each Oracle Unity instance has a unique Tenant access key and a Tenant ID used to send API requests. You can contact your tenant administrator to find your tenant access key and tenant ID. Otherwise, you can determine your tenant access key and tenant ID by logging into the Oracle Unity user interface and monitoring the network activity.

To determine your tenant access key and tenant ID:

  1. Sign into the Oracle Unity interface and navigate Home.

  2. Press F12 to open the debug console.

  3. Select the Network tab.

  4. Enter features in the filter. Ensure recording is enabled and press F5 to refresh the home page. Events are displayed as the page loads.

  5. Select features in the list and scroll down to locate x-mcps-tenantId and x-mcps-tenantkey where your tenant access key is returned.

Alternatively, you can also determine your tenant access key using this method:

  1. Navigate to <unity_tenant_url>/cxunity/infrastructure/v1/me


    A token is required for authentication.
    For more information regarding this API, kindly refer to the Oracle Unity API documentation.

  2. The Key field represents the tenant key.

    "mcpsTenants": [

    Here, 1ba4eccd27094391a2db35e268195739 is the tenant key.

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Sending API Requests