RFC 4180 file standards

When configuring ingest jobs and Secure FTP (SFTP) file transfers, keep in mind the following standards for CSV files when using the RFC 4180 parser. For more information on the RFC 4180 specification, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180.

In this topic:

Ingesting Single and Multi-line CSV data

The RFC 4180 CSV parser enables you to ingest single-line and multi-line data within your .csv files. Refer to the Oracle Unity Help Center for guidelines to prepare your files for ingestion.

Data record size limits

The RFC 4180 parser supports ingesting data records with up to 99 line breaks. If a data record contains more than 99 line breaks, Oracle Unity will report an error during ingestion.

Enabling the RFC 4180 parser

All source instance objects created before the RFC 4180 parser was implemented use the Opencsv parser. To start using the RFC 4180 parser, enable the rfc4180Csv parameter in the source instance object linked to your SFTP site where your csv files are located.

See an example payload:

    "tenantId": "1",
    "name": sourceinstance_name,
    "description": Sample SFTP SourceInstance for you to copy,
    "active": true,
    "componentDefinitionId": "FTPCustom",
    "uniqueInstanceId": unique_sourceinstance_ID,
    "parameters": {
      "path": "sftp://ftp_path/*[0-9]{1,}.csv",
      "rfc4180Csv": "true",
      "pem": ---BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----your_FTP_pemkey----END RSA PRIVATE KEY---

Enable the RFC 4180 parser using the source instance API.

Learn more

CSV file standards

Opencsv file standards