Predictive Account Scoring models

The Predictive Account Scoring model is a ready-to-use data science model that scores B2B accounts on their likelihood to convert based on their contacts' engagement patterns.

The Predictive Account Scoring model explained

The Predictive Account Scoring model generates numerical scores for accounts based on profile, revenue, and behavior data.

The account scores identify the propensity for accounts to make purchases.

Parameters of the model

When creating the model, you will need to define the following parameters for the model:

  • Algorithm: The algorithm is the piece of code that runs the model. When you select the Predictive Account Scoring B2B algorithm, you will need to define the additional lookback window parameter. Select the number of days as a lookback window: 90, 180, 270, or 360.

  • Queries: The queries selected for the model generate a dataset for model training and scoring.

  • Inputs: The inputs are query attributes from the Unity data model that are used for model training and scoring. You can't make changes to model inputs.

  • Outputs: The outputs are data objects and attributes from the Unity data model that are used to store the output values of the model. You can make updates to the default mapping of model outputs.

Model inputs

To generate values, the Predictive Account Scoring model uses the following data.

For the model to successfully run:

  • Data needs to be ingested into all the input attributes below.
  • Make sure the relationships between the respective account and contacts are established.
  • The custom data object SalesData needs to be created with the following required attributes.
    • OpportunityDate: Represents the date the opportunity was created (when the conversion occurred).
    • Is_Converted: The value 1 represents conversion. The value 0 represents non-conversion.
    • SourceAccountID: Account for which the conversion is captured.
Data object Attribute Data type Description
Account SourceID String The unique identifier for the source.
Account SourceAccountID String

The unique identifier for the account.

Account SICCode String The Standard Industrial Classification Code.
Account NAICSCode String The North American Industry Classification System Code.
Account AnnualRevenue Float The annual revenue of the company.
Account EmployeeTotal Integer The number of employees in the company.
Account LineOfBusiness String The industry of the contact.
Account YearEstablished String The year the company was established.
Customer SourceCustomerID String The unique identifier for the customer.
Customer Email String The contact's email domain.
Customer JobTitle String The job title of the contact.
Customer JobTitleLevel String The level assigned to each job title.
Customer okToCall String Flag identifying if the contact has given permission to be contacted by phone.
Customer okToEmail String Flag identifying if the contact has given permission to be contacted by email.
Customer okToNotify String Flag identifying if the contact has given permission to be contacted by push notification.
Customer okToText String Flag identifying if the contact has given permission to be contacted by text message.
Customer okToMail String Flag identifying if the contact has given permission to be contacted by mail.
Event SourceEventID String The unique identifier for the event.
Event Medium String The channel for the message, such Email, SMS, and Push.
Event Type String The type of event, such as View, Purchase, Buy, and Click.
Event EventTS Timestamp The date and time when the event occurred.
MasterAccount Country String The country of the contact.
MasterAccount State String The state of the contact.
MasterAccount City String The city of the contact.
MasterAccount ZipCode String The zip code where the contact resides.
SalesData and Order Is_Converted Integer Indicates when conversions occurred. The value 1 represents conversion. The value 0 represents non-conversion.
SalesData and Order OpportunityDate Timestamp The date when an opportunity was created (when the conversion occurred).
SalesData SourceAccountID String Unique identifier for the account.

Model outputs

Output values will be stored in the Account_Score data object. You can review the lead score values for each contact in the Status attribute. Each status (cold, cool, warm, and hot) is based on a lead score generated from 0 to 100. Review the specific values and assessments below.

The following attributes will generate output values.

Attribute Description Data Type Is Key attribute?
SourceAccount_ScoreID The unique identifier for the data object. String Yes
SourceID The unique identifer for the source. String Yes
SourceAccountID The unique identifier for the account. String Yes
ScoreTimestamp The date and time when the lead score was generated. String No
Score The score generated for the contact. It is a numerical value from 0 to 100 Integer Yes
Status The status that assesses the contact based on the lead score String Yes

The Status attribute will generate one of the following values based on the lead score.

Value Assessment of account Score
Cold Not very active 0-25
Cool Slightly active 26-50
Warm Active 51-75
Hot Very active 76-100

Create and use a Predictive Account Scoring model

To create and use a Predictive Account Scoring model, you will need to do the following:

  1. Follow the steps for Creating Predictive Account Scoring models.

  2. After creating the model, follow the steps for Running training and scoring jobs.

After the model runs and creates output values, you can do the following:

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