Creating Next Best Offer models

Complete the following steps to create a Next Best Offer model.

Before you begin

Before creating the data science model, make sure you create the catalog of offers that will be used when the model runs. Learn more about Creating Next best offers.

Create the data science model

You can create the model from the Intelligence workbench page.

To create a data science model:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Intelligence workbench.
  3. Click the Models tab.
  4. Click Create model.
  5. An image of the details section

Step 1: Define model details

The details section allows you to define how the model will display in Oracle Unity.

To define the model details: 

  1. Enter the details for the model.
  2. An image of the details section

    • Name: Enter the model name.
    • Description: Optionally, enter a description for the model.
  3. Confirm the model details and click Algorithm to go to the next section.

Step 2: Select algorithm

You will need to select the Next best offer algorithm, which defines the type of model you create.

To select the algorithm:

  1. Click the Next best offer algorithm name to select it.
  2. An image of the algorithm selection screen

  3. In the drop-down list for Parameters, select the catalog for the model.
  4. An image of the parameters section

  5. Confirm the selected algorithm and click Query to go to the next section.

Step 3: Select queries

The queries you select for the model generate a dataset for model training and scoring.

To select queries:

  1. In the Query for training field, confirm the default query or use the drop-down list to select the query you want to use for model training.
  2. An image of the query for training field

  3. In the Query for scoring field, confirm the default query or use the drop-down list to select the query you want to use for model scoring.
  4. An image of the query for scoring field

  5. Confirm the selected queries and click Mapping to go to the next section.

Step 4: Mapping

Based on the selected algorithm, review the mapping for model inputs and outputs to the Unity data model. Make any necessary updates to the default mapping of model outputs.

To configure the mapping:

  1. Review the Inputs section and the mapping of Algorithm input attributes. No changes are allowed in this section.

  2. An image of the mapping inputs section

  3. Review and make the necessary updates to the Outputs section. To make an update, click Edit An image of the edit icon in the Action column. When done updating an item, click the checkmark.

    An image of the mapping outputs section

    1. In the Unity object id column, click the field and enter the exact name of the data object you want to use as an output.

      An image of the Unity object id field

    2. In the Column Id column, click the field and enter the exact name of the attribute you want to use as an output.

      An image of the Column Id field

  4. Review the input and output mapping and click Schedule to go to the next section.

Step 5: Schedule and notify

You will need to configure the schedule and notification settings for the model.

An image of the schedule and notify screen

  1. Configure the schedule for the model:
    • Click Recurring to automatically run the model on a regular schedule. If a job for the model is still running while the next one is scheduled to run, the next scheduled run will not start until the current one completes. Two scheduled instances of the same job can't run simultaneously.
    • Click On demand to run the model as needed.
  2. If the job is recurring, select the Frequency, Start time, and Days it will run.
  3. In the field for Notify, enter the email addresses of people to be notified when the job runs. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings. Separate multiple emails with a comma.
  4. If you only want a notification if the job fails, click the checkbox for Only notify on failure.

When done creating the model, click Save.

Publish the changes

After saving the model, click Publish from the Intelligence workbench page.

An image of the publish button

After publishing the changes, Oracle Unity will do the following:

  • Create the required data objects and attributes that will store output values from the model.

  • Create the training and scoring jobs that will need to run to generate output values.

To generate output values, you will need to Run the training and scoring jobs.

data science, data science model, analyze data, create data science model, how to create a data science model, next best offer, nbo, next best offer model, nbo model