Field mapping between Oracle Unity and Oracle CrowdTwist data
After making the required updates to the Oracle Unity data model based on the Oracle CrowdTwist schema, you will need to import data using the Oracle Unity Streaming API. The details below show the field mapping between Oracle Unity and Oracle CrowdTwist data. If you need to create an ingest job to import CrowdTwist data, refer to these field mapping configurations.
Review the CrowdTwist data types (User Profile, User Activity, and User Redemption) and the required field mapping for each.
User Profile Data
Review the required field mapping for CrowdTwist user profile data.
CrowdTwist Field Name | CrowdTwist Sample Value | CrowdTwist Format | CrowdTwist Description |
streetAddress1 | null | String | User’s street address 1 | Existing | Address | Address Line 1 | AddressLine1 | String | First line of the customer's address |
streetAddress2 | null | String | User’s street address 2 | Existing | Address | Address Line 2 | AddressLine2 | String | Second line of the customer address |
dateOfBirth | 142372800 | Timestamp | User’s date of birth | Existing | Customer | Birth Date | BirthDate | Date | Date customer was born |
city | New York City | String | User’s city | Existing | Address | City | City | String | City name |
country | US | String | User’s country code | Existing | Address | Country | Country | String | The official name of the country. |
dateCreated | 1490293725 | Timestamp | Date the user was created within the CrowdTwist platform | Existing | Customer | Created Timestamp | CreatedTS | Timestamp | Date the table tr was created at source |
thirdPartyId | null | String | User’s third party ID | New | Customer | CrowdTwist - Third Party Id | CrowdTwistThirdPartyID | String | (CrowdTwist) Third Party Id assigned to the loyalty program account. May be a Customer_ID, Email address etc. |
id | 6566 | Number | Internal CrowdTwist member user_id | New | Customer | CrowdTwist - User Id | CTUserID | String | CrowdTwist User Id |
emailAddress | | String | User’s email address | Existing | Customer | String | Email of the customer | ||
emailIsVerified | 1 | Number (binary) | If a user’s email address has been verified | New | Customer | Email Verified | EmailVerified | Boolean | Is email address verified? |
firstName | George | String | User’s first name | Existing | Customer | First Name | FirstName | String | First or given name of customer |
gender | Male | String | User’s gender | Existing | Customer | Gender | Gender | String | Gender of the customer |
isActive | 1 | Number (binary) | If the user is active | Existing | Customer | Is Active | IsActive | Boolean | Flag indicating if an entity is active or inactive |
lastName | Twist | String | User’s last name | Existing | Customer | Last Name | LastName | String | Last or surname of the customer |
tierInfo.timeframeScore | 1200 | Number | Cumulative score the member has earned in the current timeframe since the member last expired. | New | Customer | Loyalty - Cumulative score | Loyalty_CumulativeScore | Integer | Cumulative score the user has earned in the current timeframe since the user last expired in the loyalty program. |
currentLevel.title | Tier 1 | String | Name of current tier level | New | Customer | Loyalty - Current level | Loyalty_CurrentLevel | String | User's current level in the loyalty program |
tierInfo.tierScore | 0 | Number | The points earned while the member is in a tier | New | Customer | Loyalty - Current Tier Score | Loyalty_CurrentTierScore | Integer | Number of points earned by the user in the current tier of the loyalty program. |
tierInfo.score | 0 | Number | The points earned while the member is in a tier | New | Customer | Loyalty - Current Time Period Score | Loyalty_CurrentTimePeriodScore | Integer | Number of points earned by the user in the current time period of the loyalty program. |
tierInfo.dateAssigned | 2017-03-23T19:00:00Z | String (ISO 8601 Format) | Date the member is assigned current tier. This changes for all event types (start, jump, maintain, drop and reset) | New | Customer | Loyalty - Date Current Tier Assigned | Loyalty_DateCurrentTierAssigned | Timestamp | Date that the user was assigned to the current loyalty program tier. |
tierInfo.dateReached | 2017-03-23T19:00:00Z | String (ISO 8601 Format) | Date the member reached their current tier. This only changes when a member drops or jumps a tier. | New | Customer | Loyalty - Date Current Tier Reached | Loyalty_DateCurrentTierReached | Timestamp | Date that the user reached the current loyalty program tier. |
nextLevel.title | Tier 2 | String | Name of next tier level | New | Customer | Loyalty - Next level | Loyalty_NextLevel | String | User's next level in the loyalty program |
numTwitterFollowers | 0 | Number | Number of followers the user has on Twitter | New | Customer | Loyalty - Number of Twitter Followers | Loyalty_NumberofTwitterFollowers | Integer | Number of followers the user has on Twitter. |
tierInfo.scoreNeededToMaintain | null | Number | Number of points needed to maintain current tier | New | Customer | Loyalty - Point Balance to Maintain Current Tier | Loyalty_PointBalancetoMaintainCurrentTier | Integer | Number of points needed for the user to maintain current tier in loyalty program. |
tierInfo.scoreNeededToReach | 1000 | Number | Number of points needed for a member to jump to the next tier | New | Customer | Loyalty - Point Balance to Reach Next Tier | Loyalty_PointBalancetoReachNextTier | Integer | Number of points needed for the user to jump to next tier in loyalty program. |
redeemablePoints | 5200 | Number | Redeemable points of the user | New | Customer | Loyalty - Redeemable Points | Loyalty_RedeemablePoints | Integer | Redeemable points of the user in the loyalty program. |
tierInfo.expirationDate | 2017-03-23T20:00:00Z | String (ISO 8601 Format) | Date a member’s tier will expire if they do not maintain. This is both fixed and rolling. | New | Customer | Loyalty - Tier Expiration Date | Loyalty_TierExpirationDate | Timestamp | Date that the user tier will expire if not maintained. |
tierScore.resetDate | 2017-03-23T20:00:00Z | String (ISO 8601 Format) | Date a member resets to 0 and enters maintenance. Only fixed timeframe. | New | Customer | Loyalty - Tier Score Reset Date | Loyalty_TierScoreResetDate | Timestamp | Date that the member's loyalty program tier score resets to 0. |
totalPoints | 5200 | Number | Total points of the user | New | Customer | Loyalty - Total points | Loyalty_TotalPoints | Integer | Total points of the user in loyalty program |
numFacebookFriends | 0 | Number | Number of friends the user has on Facebook | New | Customer | Loyalty - Number of Facebook Friends | Loyalty_NumberofFacebookFriends | Integer | Number of friends the user has on Facebook. |
weeklyPoints | 0 | Number | Number of points the user has earned this week | New | Customer | Loyalty - Points Earned this Week | LoyaltyPointsEarnedThisWeek | Integer | Number of points the user earned this week in the loyalty program. |
middleName | String | User’s middle name | Existing | Customer | Middle Name | MiddleName | String | Middle name of the customer | |
mobilePhoneNumber | 12312312321 | String | Users mobile number | Existing | Customer | Mobile Phone | MobilePhone | String | Mobile phone number of the customer |
dateLastUpdated | 1490302144 | Timestamp | Date the user’s profile was last updated | Existing | Customer | Modified Timestamp | ModifiedTS | TIMESTAMP | Date the table tr was modified at source |
receiveEmailUpdates | 1 | Number (binary) | If a user is subscribed to receive email updates through CrowdTwist | Existing | Customer | Ok To Email | okToEmail | String | Flag indicating whether customer wishes to be contacted by Mail |
receiveSmsMessages | 0 | Number (binary) | If a user is subscribed to receive SMS updates through CrowdTwist | Existing | Customer | Ok to Text | okToText | String | Flag indicating whether customer wishes to be contacted by text |
langPref | null | String | Language preference of the user | Existing | Customer | Primary Language | PrimaryLanguage | String | Primary language used by the customer (Add this description since its blank currently) |
id | 6566 | Number | Internal CrowdTwist member user_id | Existing | Customer | Source Customer Id | SourceCustomerID | String | (Comes from the source) unique ID |
state | NY | String | User’s state | Existing | Address | State | State | String | Standard State Name or province |
postalCode | 10001 | String | User’s postal code | Existing | Address | Zip | ZipCode | String | ZIP/Postal code |
monthlyPoints | 0 | Number | Number of points the user has earned this month | New | Customer | Loyalty - Points Earned this Month | LoyaltyPointsEarnedThisMonth | Integer | Number of points the user earned this month in the loyalty program. |
User Activity Data
Review the required field mapping for CrowdTwist user activity data.
CrowdTwist Field Name | CrowdTwist Sample Value | CrowdTwist Format | CrowdTwist Description |
activityId | 198 | Integer | CrowdTwist activity ID | New | Loyalty Activity | ActivityID | ActivityId | String | ID of the loyalty program activity |
id | 7564756 | Integer | CrowdTwist unique completion activity ID | New | Loyalty Activity | Source Loyalty Activity ID | SourceLoyaltyActivityID | String | Unique ID of the loyalty activity completion |
activityName | added gender | String (200) | Name of the activity performed | New | Loyalty Activity | Name | Name | String | Name of the loyalty program activity |
dateCreated | 1438039473 | Integer | Date/time the activity was processed (unix timestamp) | New | Loyalty Activity | LoyaltyActivityTS | LoyaltyActivityTS | TimeStamp | Date/Time when the activity was performed |
description | Add your gender and earn 50 points | String (500) | Description of the activity performed | New | Loyalty Activity | Description | Description | Text or String | Name of the loyalty program activity |
emailAddress | | String (200) | Member’s email address | Existing | Customer | String | Email of the customer | ||
languageId | es | String (6) | Preferred language for the member | Existing | Customer | Primary Language | PrimaryLanguage | String | Primary language used by the customer (Add this description since its blank currently) |
mobileNumber | null | String (30) | Member’s phone number | Existing | Customer | Mobile Phone | MobilePhone | String | Mobile phone number of the customer |
points | 80 | Integer | Number of points earned for the activity; positive for any added activity, negative for reward redeemed | New | Loyalty Activity | Points Earned | PointsEarned | Integer | Number of points earned for the loyalty program activity. |
thirdPartyId | null | String (100) | Member’s third party ID | New | Customer | CrowdTwist - Third Party Id | CrowdTwistThirdPartyID | String | (CrowdTwist) Third Party Id assigned to the loyalty program account. May be a Customer_ID, Email address etc. |
title | Add Your Gender | String (150) | Title of the activity performed | New | Loyalty Activity | Title | Title | String | Title of the loyalty program activity |
userId | 101 | Integer | CrowdTwist user ID | Existing | Customer | Source Customer ID | SourceCustomerID | String | userId needs to be populated into two different tables - Customer & Loyalty Activity. |
userId | 101 | Integer | CrowdTwist user ID | New | Loyalty Activity | Source Customer ID | SourceCustomerID | String | userId needs to be populated into two different tables - Customer & Loyalty Activity. |
n/a | CrowdTwist | String | Source System | New | Event | Source ID | SourceID | String | Source system |
userActivityID | 7564756 | Integer | CrowdTwist unique completion activity ID | Existing | Event | Source Event ID | Source Event ID | String | |
userID | 86757465 | Integer | CrowdTwist ID or Third Party ID depending on integration match key | Existing | Event | Source Customer ID | SourceCustomerID | String | |
n/a | Loyalty Activity | String | Description of the event | Existing | Event | Type | Type | String | |
activityName | pos purchased | String | Name of the activity completed | Existing | Event | Target | Target | String | |
emailAddress | | String | Member's email address | Existing | Event | ||||
dateCreated | 1438039473 | Date | Date/Time when the activity was processed | Existing | Event | EventTS | EventTS | ||
activityTitle | Made a purchase | String | Title of the activity completed | Existing | Event | Name | Name | ||
description | Purchased from our brand | String | Description of the activity completed | Existing | Event | Content | Content | ||
n/a | CrowdTwist | String | Source System | Existing | Event | Source | Source | ||
points | 500 | Integer | Number of points awarded for the activity | Existing | Event | Points | Points | ||
activityId | 198 | Integer | Source Loyalty Activity ID | Existing | Event | SubType | SubType |
User Redemption Data
Review the required field mapping for user redemption data.
CrowdTwist Field Name | CrowdTwist Sample Value | CrowdTwist Format | CrowdTwist Description |
category | Gift Cards | String (50) | Category of the reward. | New | Loyalty Reward | Category | Category | String | Category of the Loyalty reward |
dateFulfilled | null | Timestamp | Date reward fulfilled | New | Loyalty Redemption | Date Fulfilled | DateFulfilled | TimeStamp | Date of fulfillment for the loyalty reward redemption. |
description | $20 to use on our site | String (3000) | Description of the reward. | New | Loyalty Reward | Description | Description | Text or String | Description of the Loyalty reward |
emailAddress | | String (200) | User’s email address | Existing | Customer | String | Email of the customer | ||
firstName | John | String (50) | User's first name | Existing | Customer | First Name | FirstName | String | First or given name of customer |
languageId | es | String (6) | Preferred language for the member | Existing | Customer | Primary Language | PrimaryLanguage | String | |
lastName | Lim | String (50) | User's last name | Existing | Customer | Last Name | LastName | String | Last or surname of the customer |
mobileNumber | 2122122112 | String (30) | User's phone number | Existing | Customer | Mobile Phone | MobilePhone | String | Mobile phone number of the customer |
orderDate | 1438043367 | Timestamp | Date the redemption was performed (unix timestamp) | New | Loyalty Redemption | Order Date | OrderDate | TimeStamp | Date & time when the loyalty redemption was performed |
orderId | 101 | Integer | Unique order ID of the redemption | New | Loyalty Redemption | Order ID | OrderID | Integer | Order ID of the loyalty redemption |
orderId | 101 | Integer | Unique order ID of the redemption | New | Loyalty Redemption | Source Loyalty Redemption ID | SourceLoyaltyRedemptionID | String | (Comes from the Source) Unique ID of the loyalty redemption. |
quantity | 1 | Integer | Number of reward redeemed | New | Loyalty Redemption | Quantity | Quantity | Integer | Number of loyalty rewards that were redeemed. |
redeemablePoints | 2000 | Integer | Members balance after redemption | New | Loyalty Redemption | Redeemable Points Remaining | RedeemablePointsRemaining | Integer | Member's loyalty program balance after redemption. |
rewardGroupId | 12345 | Integer | Group the reward is in. When a reward has multiple sizes/colors, they will all share the same rewardGroupId. | New | Loyalty Reward | Group ID | GroupID | Integer | Group ID of loyalty reward. Rewards that only differ in size/color may share the same Group ID. |
rewardId | 947563 | Integer | Id of the unique reward. When a reward has multiple sizes/colors, each will have a unique rewardId. | New | Loyalty Reward | Source Loyalty Reward ID | SourceLoyaltyRewardID | String | (Comes from the Source) Unique ID of the loyalty reward. |
rewardId | 947563 | Integer | Id of the unique reward. When a reward has multiple sizes/colors, each will have a unique rewardId. | New | Loyalty Redemption | Source Loyalty Reward ID | SourceLoyaltyRewardID | String | (Comes from the Source) Unique ID of the loyalty reward. |
size | null | String (50) | Reward size. | New | Loyalty Reward | Size | Size | String | Size of the Loyalty reward |
thirdPartyId | null | String (100) | User’s third party ID | New | Customer | CrowdTwist - Third Party Id | CrowdTwistThirdPartyID | String | (CrowdTwist) Third Party Id assigned to the loyalty program account. May be a Customer_ID, Email address etc. |
title | $20 Gift Card | String (100) | The title of the reward. | New | Loyalty Reward | Title | Title | String | Title of the Loyalty reward |
totalPointsRedeemed | 10 | Integer | Total points redeemed by user for reward | New | Loyalty Redemption | Total Points Redeemed | TotalPointsRedeemed | Integer | Total number of points redeemed for the loyalty reward |
userId | 6566 | Integer | Internal CrowdTwist member user_id | Existing | Loyalty Redemption | Source Customer ID | SourceCustomerID | String | (Comes from the source) unique ID of the loyalty program member |
userId | 6566 | Integer | Internal CrowdTwist member user_id | Existing | Customer | Source Customer ID | SourceCustomerID | String | (Comes from the source) unique ID |
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