Mapping between Oracle Unity and Oracle B2C Service data

Review the mapping between Oracle Unity and Oracle B2C Service data once the integration is activated and data is ingested into Unity.

Note: These mappings can't be modified, so the data on this page is for informational purposes only.

Attribute mapping

Review the following mapping between B2C Service incident attributes and Oracle Unity attributes.

Incidents attributes shared with Unity

The following mappings are specifically for the Oracle Unity Incident data object.

B2C Service Incident attribute Unity Incident attribute Notes
Category ID Category Child-most category
Channel ID Channel Channel through which incident came in
Created By Account Created By ID of Agent who created the incident
Date Last Updated Modified Timestamp Date/time of the most recent update to the incident
Date Created Opened Timestamp
Created Timestamp
Date/time when the incident was created
Date Closed Resolved Timestamp Date/time when the incident was solved
Contact SmartSense Sentiment Emotive rating of end-customer
Severity Severity The severity level of the incident
Contact ID Source Customer ID Primary contact for the incident
Incident ID Source Incident ID Unique identifier
Organization ID Source Organization ID ID of the organization that the primary contact in associated with
Assigned Account Source Owner ID
Source Associate ID
Staff/Agent assigned to the incident
Product ID Source Product ID Child-most product
Status Status Incident status
Subject Summary Title or subject of the incident

B2C Service incident attributes not shared with Unity

The following incident attributes are note shared with Unity because they are either internal to B2C Service or there are no corresponding target attributes in Unity.

B2C Service incident attribute Notes
AND/OR Related to search
Asset ID Asset associated with the incident
Attributes Investigate attribute values
Banner Account Agent who last updated banner on the incident
Banner Flag Importance of banner on the incident
Banner Text Text of banner on the incident
Category Hierarchy Product Category to which incident is assigned
Chat Queue Internal to OSvC
Community Post Hash code of community post that gave rise to the incident
Date Banner Flag Last Updated Date/time of most recent update to banner on the incident
Date Initial Solution Response Date/time when the incident went to solved or waiting for the first time
Date Last Responded Date/time of the most recent response to the incident.
Disposition Hierarchy  
Disposition ID  
Dormant Indicates if incident is currently dormant
Escalation Date Date/time the incident was escalated
Escalation Level Escalation level of the incident
Flow ID ID of the campaign/survey flow that created the incident
Group Group that the agent associated with the incident belongs to
Include Dormant Used in search
Initial Response Due Date/time for initial response (as per SLA) for the incident
Interface Interface in which the incident was created
Language Language associated with the incident
Mailbox ID of the mailbox through which the incident came
Mailing ID of the outgoing mail
Product Hierarchy Hierarchy of products
Queue ID of the queue that the incident is currently assigned to
Reference # User-friendly unique number for incident
Resolution Interval Number of min beyond incident resolution threshold
Response Channel ID Channel of incident response
Response Interval Number of min beyond incident response threshold
Response Requirements ID of the response requirements associated with the incident
Rule State Rule state of the incident
SLA Instance ID ID of SLA instance applied to incident
SMIME Type Indicates how email is to be handled
Session ID ID of session during which incident was created
Shared Indicates if incident has been shared with OSN
Source Hierarchy Source hierarchy (2 levels) where incident was created
Source Level 1 General area of OSvC where incident was created
Source Level 2 Specific area in OSvC where incident was created
Staff SmartSense Emotive index of the agent associated with the incident
Status Type Type of current status of incident
Summary/Thread Used in search
Survey Score Most recent survey score associated with the incident
Uncommitted Response Uncommitted response thread
Weight Match weightage

Data object mapping

The above attribute mapping translates to multiple data objects in Unity. This section outlines the different Unity data objects that are involved and how their attributes gets populated for the above mapping.

Incident data object

Unity Attribute Value assigned (during ingestion) Notes
ID Auto-generated Typically, this value is a concatenation of Source ID and the Source Incident ID
Tenant ID Automatically assigned  
Source ID Automatically assigned Automatically set based on data source
Source Incident ID Incident.Incident ID The ID of the incident in OSvC
Source Customer ID Incident.Contact ID The OSvC ID of the contact on the incident
Customer ID Auto-generated  
Source Order ID <Blank>  
Order ID <Blank>  
Source Product ID Incident.Product ID The OSvC ID of the product associated with the incident
Product ID Auto-generated  
Source Owner ID Incident.account The OSvC ID of the agent assigned to the incident
Owner ID Auto-generated  
Source Organization ID Incident.Organization ID The OSvC ID of the organization associated with the incident
Organization ID Auto-generated  
Summary Incident.Summary  
Type "Service" There are only three types: Shipping, Order, and Service
Opened Timestamp Incident. Date Created The creation timestamp as it was received from OSvC
Resolved Timestamp Incident. Date Closed The timestamp (received from OSvC) when incident was solved
Severity Incident.Severity The severity from OSvC must be mapped to one of the available values in Unity. Out-of-the-box values are: Critical, Major, and Minor.
Sentiment incidents.Contact SmartSense  
Channel Incident.Channel ID Map to one of the available values in Unity. Out-of-the-box values are: Email, Social, and Chat.
Note: Need additional values for incidents that are created by Agent in OSvC.
Status Incident.Status Map to one of the available values in Unity. Out-of-the-box values are: Resolved and InProgress.
Description <Blank>  
Created By incidents.Created By Account  
Modified By TBD  
Created Timestamp Incident.Date Created  
Modified Timestamp Incident.Date Last Updated  
Row Created Timestamp Automatically assigned  
Row Modified Timestamp Automatically assigned  
Source Associate ID    
Associate ID Automatically assigned  

Customer data object

Unity Attribute Value assigned (during ingestion) Notes
ID Auto-generated  
Tenant ID Automatically assigned  
Source ID Automatically assigned Automatically set based on data source
Source Customer ID Contacts.Contact ID ID of Contact in OSvC
Cookie <Blank>  
Source Account ID contacts.Organization ID ID of associated org in OSvC
Account ID Auto-generated  
Source Sign Up Organization ID <Blank>  
Sign Up Organization ID <Blank>  
Alternate Emails contacts.email_alt1 and contacts.email_alt2  
Phone contacts.Home Phone  
Mobile Phone contacts.Mobile Phone  
Alternate Phones contacts.Office Phone  
Gender <Blank>  
Ok To Email <Blank>  
Ok To Call <Blank>  
Ok To Text <Blank>  
Ok To Notify <Blank>  
Ok To Mail <Blank>  
Email Frequency <Blank>  
Properties <Blank>  
Registration Timestamp <Blank>  
Is Active <Blank>  
Status <Blank>  
Type <Blank>  
First Name contacts.First Name  
Middle Name <Blank>  
Suffix <Blank>  
Prefix <Blank>  
Last Name contacts.Last Name  
Birth Date <Blank>  
Birth Month <Blank>  
Birth Day <Blank>  
Birth Year <Blank>  
Age <Blank>  
Loyalty Number <Blank>  
Original Channel <Blank>  
Primary Langauge <Blank>  
Created By <Blank>  
Modified By <Blank>  
Created Timestamp contacts.Date <Blank> contacts.Title <Blank> Creation date of contact in B2C Service
Modified Timestamp Created contacts.Date Last Updated Timestamp of last updated in B2C Service
Row Created Timestamp Auto-assigned by Unity  
Row Modified Timestamp Auto-assigned by Unity  
Responsys RIID <Blank>  
Title contacts.Title  
Job Code <Blank>  

Organization data object

Unity Attribute Value assigned (during ingestion) Notes
ID Auto-generated  
Tenant ID Automatically assigned  
Source ID Automatically assigned Automatically set based on data source
Source Organization ID organization.Organization ID  
Parent Organization Immediate parent org id  
Name organization.Organization Name  
Type <Blank>  
Subtype <Blank>  
Status <Blank>  
Description <Blank>  
Division <Blank>  
Region <Blank>  
District <Blank>  
Sub-District <Blank>  
Zone <Blank>  
Territory <Blank>  
Created By <Blank>  
Modified By <Blank>  
Created Timestamp organizations.Date Created Creation date of org in B2C Service
Modified Timestamp organizations.Date Last Updated Timestamp of last updated in B2C Service
Row Created Timestamp Automatically assigned  
Row Modified Timestamp Automatically assigned  

Product data object

Unity Attribute Value assigned (during ingestion) Notes
ID Auto-generated  
Tenant ID Automatically assigned  
Source ID Automatically assigned Automatically set based on data source
Source Product ID Products.Product ID of the product from B2C Service
Group <Blank>  
Name <Blank>  
Description <Blank>  
SKU <Blank>  
UPC <Blank>  
Type <Blank>  
Brand <Blank>  
Model <Blank>  
Color <Blank>  
Weight <Blank>  
Weight Unit <Blank>  
Size <Blank>  
Regular Price <Blank>  
Sale Price <Blank>  
Available <Blank>  
Inventory <Blank>  
URL <Blank>  
Image URLs <Blank>  
Created By <Blank>  
Modified By <Blank>  
Created Timestamp <Blank>  
Modified Timestamp <Blank>  
Row Created Timestamp Automatically assigned  
Row Modified Timestamp Automatically assigned  

integrate, integration, b2c service, how to integrate, oracle b2c service