Campaigns REST API

You can implement the Oracle Data Cloud campaigns REST API to create and manage campaigns. A campaign provides instructions to the Oracle Data Cloud platform for delivering your audience to Oracle Data Cloud partners. For example, you can use the campaigns API to specify your campaign's schedule, maximum bid price, budget, and other configuration parameters. There is also a pixel URL parameter that tells the DMP where to deliver your campaign data.

Note: Users no longer create campaigns in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The campaign workflow is now part of the audience workflow. The platform still uses campaigns to manage audience data delivery however. They are created automatically when a UI user delivers an audience. In the APIs, you create and use campaigns as before.

In this topic  

Explore the API

The embedded I/O doc below enables you to explore the API. The I/O  doc explains the parameters for each method and provides templates for your calls. You cannot make live API calls from the tool, however.

Open the link below in a new tab to see the I/O doc in a three-pane format.

For help with this API, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

Service URI

The URI for the campaigns API is:


The URI for the campaigns API schema is:

Related API calls

Here are the API calls you will typically make before you use the campaigns API:

Before campaigns API Use case
Audiences API Select the categories you want to include in your audience for targeting, modeling, optimization, or analysis.
Categories API View the first-party and third-party categories that you can use to create your audience.

List campaigns

You can combine various query parameters to request a filtered set of campaigns. For example, to view all of the campaigns that you created in a specific partner seat, specify your user ID in the createdBy query parameter for the desired pid as shown in the following GET example:

Sample list response:

Query parameters

The campaigns API supports following query parameters:

Parameter Type Description
appId integer Filter for campaigns that use a specific app template (vendor template). This enables you to return all campaigns from a specifc app partner when you have installed their app multiple times.
createdBy integer Filter for campaigns that were created by the Oracle Data Cloud platform user with the specified ID.
deliveryIDs array

Filter by the delivery ID types that are used in the campaigns.

label string Filter for campaigns that use the specified label.
Example: &label=valentines
nameOrId string Filter by the campaign's name or ID.
offset integer The starting index from which to return the campaigns
onRampFlag boolean Filter for OnRamp campaigns.
q string Filter the returned campaigns according to the following properties, operators, and a string within double quotes:
  • id: Use with the eq (equal to) operator and the campaign's unique ID, such as q=id eq "322463".
  • name: Use with the co (contains) operator and the campaign's name, such as q=name co "xyz".

Valid operators include:

  • co: Contains a string, where the string is enclosed in double quotes
  • eq: Equals
  • ew: Ends with the specified string
  • ge: Greater than or equal to
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equal to
  • lt: Less than
  • ne: Not equal to
  • sw: Starts with the specified string

Depending on the context from where you issue the query that contains the filter expression, you may need to use percent encoding. For example, if you execute a query as a cURL command, then the filter expression must replace white spaces with %20. Example: &q=name%20co%20"xyz"

since string Filter campaigns updated since the specified date and time in UTC format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. Use this property in conjunction with the until property to return campaigns within a date and time range. Example:
size integer The maximum number of campaigns to be included in the response. The size property must be used in conjunction with the offset property.
until string Filter campaigns updated before the specified date and time in UTC format.
vendorId integer Filter by the ID of an installed app (vendor). This us useful for returning all campaigns that use the same app instance.

GET and POST response summary

The campaigns API GET and POST responses include the following information with each campaign returned:

Property Type Description
activated boolean Indicates whether the campaign has never had a status of active. If this flag is set to false (the default), the campaign was created but was never activated and has thus been archived.
audience object (Required) An object describing the audience for which the campaign is delivering data, including its unique ID and user-specified name
bid number If your campaign is using the CPS (cost per impressions) pricing model, bid indicates the maximum bid price for the data to be purchased by your campaign.
If your campaign is using the CPM or FlatFee pricing models, this is the priority rank expressed in hundredths (for example, if the campaign has a priority rank of 6, this value will be 0.06).
campaignType string (Required) Determines how your campaign wins based on the categories in the user profile. This can be one of the following values:
  • blanket: Your campaign to win if the user profile contains any of the sub-categories within the category specified in the audience, including or excluding the category. This option will increase the amount of granular data you will deliver.
  • normal: Your campaign only wins if the user profile contains the exact category specified in the audience.
categoryTransferMethod integer Specifies how frequently a category is delivered to the partner. This may be one of the following values:
  • 0: (The default) data is transferred once per unique user.
  • 1: Data is transferred for the first page view only.
  • 2: Data is transferred for each page view.
count integer The total number of campaigns returned by the GET (list) request
createdAt date A timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) indicating when the campaign was created
For example: 2016-04-18T17:46:32-05:00
deliveryIDs array An array describing the delivery IDs used in the campaign. The URI for the deliveryIDs schema is:

endDate date A timestamp, in yyyy-MM-dd format, indicating when the campaign is scheduled to end.
httpsPull boolean Indicates whether the campaign is being sent via a pull pixel using HTTP/SSL (true) or not (false).
id integer The unique identifier assigned to the campaign
idSwap boolean (Oracle internal use only) Indicates whether the campaign is being sent via SDT (true), or not (false)
includeTopNodes boolean If the campaignType is blanket, includeTopNodes indicates whether the blanket campaign includes or excludes the selected category:
  • true: The blanket campaign includes the selected category and the sub-categories below it.
  • false: The blanket campaign only includes the sub-categories underneath the selected category.
jsonPullMacro boolean Indicates whether the campaign is being sent via the JSON returntag method.
labels array The list of user-specified labels (strings) for the campaign
name string (Required) A string specifying a name for the campaign
negativeRevenue boolean This flag is used with some campaign scenarios to zero out revenue (true), such as for test campaigns or ID-swap campaigns. The default value is false.
notes string Any user-specified notes entered for this for this campaign
pacingGoal number The maximum amount of money or impressions to be spent or won by your campaign
pacingType string The type of pacing to be used for the campaign. Pacing enables you to limit the data purchased by your campaign to a specific daily or campaign lifetime budget. When a campaign reaches this budget, it will stop running. This may be one of the following values:
  • alwaysOn: Oracle internal only
  • budgetPerDay: Your campaign spend is limited by the specified daily budget.
  • budgetPerCampaignLifetime: Your campaign spend is limited by the specified campaign lifetime budget.
  • cpm: The priority rank expressed in hundredths (for example, if the campaign has a priority rank of 6, this value will be 0.06). This only applies to campaigns that use the CPM or FlatFee pricing models.
  • noRestriction: Your campaign does not have a budget.
partner object An object including the name and ID of the DMP partner that shared this campaign with you. This property is only returned if you do not own the campaign.
partnerSitesOnly boolean Indicates whether the campaign can win only on partner sites (true). The default value is false.
pixelURLs array Describes the campaign's pixel URL, which specifies the destination URL and other details. The URI for the pixelURLs schema is:

pricingModel object An object describing the pricing model used by the campaign. This may be one of the following id values:
  • 1: CPS (deprecated)
  • 2: CPM
  • 3: FlatFee
  • 4: Search
  • 5: % of Spend
  • 6: Set in IO
prior7DaysDeliveryStat array This property is deprecated and should not be used.
priority integer A ranking from 1 (lowest priority) to 100 (highest) to decrease or increase its priority among all your campaigns for winning auctions. For example, a campaign with a rank of 20 has a higher priority than a campaign with a rank of 10. The default value is 10.
privateSellers array An array describing any private sellers associated with the campaign, such as their name and unique ID
recency integer The maximum number of days users must have been tagged with a category attribute to be included in your audience
retargetingSites array An array that indicates whether your audience includes only third-party data for retargeting
revenueRecognition boolean (Oracle internal use only) This flag indicates whether the campaign is being used for audience-only campaigns. The default value is false.
simulationAccuracy integer (For future use) The accuracy level (expressed as a percentage) to be used for campaign simulation when the status property has a value of simulating
solutionType object An object describing the campaign solution type. Its id parameter may be one of the following values:
  • 1: Media targeting.
  • 2: Dynamic creative optimization (DCO)
  • 3: Site side optimization (SSO)
  • 5: Search
  • 6: Look-alike modeling
startDate date (Required) A timestamp, in yyyy-MM-dd format, indicating when the campaign is scheduled to start.
status string The current status of the campaign, which may be one of the following values:
  • active: The campaign is running according to its schedule.
  • archived: The campaign is archived.
  • creating: The campaign is being created.
  • hidden: The campaign is not displayed (effectively deleted).
  • idle: The campaign is currently no delivering any data. Campaigns can be idle if they have not been activated, have no pixel associated with them, or have been idled.
  • mapping: Audience mapping is being processed.
  • simulating: For future use
  • simulated: For future use
targetingSource string Specifies whether the campaign uses site or user targeting:
  • site: Your campaign wins only when the current page view mints or increments the target category.
  • user (the default): Your campaign always wins provided that the user profile contains the target category.
testCampaign boolean (Oracle internal use only) If this flag is set to true, the campaign is being used internally for testing. The default value is false.
updatedAt date A timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) indicating when the campaign was updated
For example: 2017-02-14T10:24:15-06:00
winFrequency integer Specifies how often (in days) your campaign is eligible to win a user in your target audience when they are tagged with a category.
The default value is 30, which means that your campaign may win only when a user is tagged with a new category and does not win if the user is tagged with an existing category.
If this value is set to 0, your campaign is eligible to win each time a user in your target audience is tagged with a new or an existing category.
winOnSites array An array that includes the ID and name values of sites on which the campaign can win. If the array is empty, the campaign can win on all sites.

Response errors

For the most up-to-date list of error messages, call

If there is a problem with your campaigns request, the response will use one of the following error messages:

Code Error message
BK-10001 Could not find resource for the specified path
BK-10002 Bad query parameters
BK-10003 Invalid JSON input
BK-10004 Input JSON does not pass schema validation
BK-10005 Input JSON contains bad property
BK-10006 Input JSON has missing properties
BK-10007 Input JSON has bad property that does not match min length requirement
BK-10008 Input JSON has bad property that does not match max length requirement
BK-10009 Not enough privileges to access requested resource
BK-10010 The request could not be completed by the service due to malformed data or syntax
BK-10011 Incorrect sorting parameter
BK-10012 Additional properties detected. Schema does not allow extra properties to be present
BK-10013 Incorrect expand parameter
BK-10014 Incorrect q query parameter syntax
BK-10015 Property has unacceptable/bad format
BK-10016 Property value does not appear on the list of acceptable values
BK-10017 Array must not contain duplicate entries
BK-41001 Campaign was not found
BK-41002 Invalid audience
BK-41003 Invalid solution type
BK-41004 Invalid pricing model
BK-41005 Invalid retargeting site
BK-41006 Invalid private seller
BK-41006 Invalid order
BK-41007 Invalid status for campaign creation
BK-41008 Invalid start date
BK-41009 Campaign has missing fields
BK-41010 Invalid pacing type
BK-41011 Invalid end date
BK-41012 Invalid private sellers
BK-41013 Error processing vendor clients
BK-41014 Prospecting and retargeting cannot both be false
BK-41015 Invalid retargeting sites
BK-41016 Cannot modify field
BK-41017 Invalid category transfer type
BK-41018 Cannot activate campaign with missing field
BK-41019 Cannot activate campaign with zero budget
BK-41020 Campaign cannot return json with pixels
BK-41021 Audience contains third party data. Partner cannot deliver third party data.
BK-41022 Pixel URL contains invalid vendor id
BK-41023 Audience contains third party data. App is not allowed to use third party data.
BK-41024 Audience contains 1st or 2nd party data. App is not allowed to use 1st or 2nd party data.

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