Using the Oracle OnRamp API to Onboard your CRM Data

You can use Oracle's OnRamp API for the on-demand onboarding and activation of your CRM data. The OnRamp API provides an automated, programmatic solution that enables you to maximize match rates and onboard more data, more often, and whenever you want. With the OnRamp API, you can segment the users in your CRM database and then securely make API calls with your customers' personally identifiable information (PII).

OnRamp matches your offline users and then classifies their attributes into new categories in your private taxonomy in your Oracle Data Cloud platform. You can then activate your CRM data across multiple media execution platforms for targeting, analysis, modeling, and optimization.

The OnRamp API provides the following benefits:

  • Self-serve onboarding: Upload your PII on demand and include new values to capture new data and customize your taxonomy.
  • Programmatic, automated onboarding: Use a quick and automated workflow that reduces the offline onboarding process. The OnRamp API enables you to programmatically import your CRM data and automatically classify it the Oracle Data Cloud platform.
  • Maximum match rates: Leverage the platform-DLX cookie overlap in the Oracle ID graph to activate more of your customer base.

Note: Users no longer create campaigns in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The campaign workflow is now part of the audience workflow. The platform still uses campaigns to manage audience data delivery however. They are created automatically when a UI user delivers an audience. In the APIs, you create and use campaigns as before.

In this topic


To use the OnRamp API, you must meet the following requirements:

  • OnRamp API Keys. You must pass your keys with each call to the OnRamp API. To get your OnRamp API keys, contact your Oracle Data Cloud representative. Your client ID and client secret keys will be delivered in two separate emails.
  • PII. To maximize match rates, you should provide as much customer data as possible. To match users, however, you must provide at least one of the following PII combinations:
    • First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip.
    • First Name, Last Name, Zip.
    • Email Address.
    • Hashed Email Address (SHA-256, SHA-1, or MD5).
  • Country. You may only onboard CRM data for users residing in the United States. No other countries are currently supported for onboarding.
  • OnRamp App. You must access to the OnRamp app in the Oracle Data Cloud platform.

Getting started

Onboarding CRM data with the OnRamp API requires three POST request to create an audience, create segments, and then add users to the segments.

Step Description Endpoint
1 Create audience

An audience represents the CRM file being uploaded. An audience contains one or segments (classifications of users with the same attributes/behavior). This POST response includes the audience ID needed for the subsequent segments and and users API calls.
2 Create segments Segments represent the columns in your CRM file that contain specific user classifications (for example, age, gender, coffee/tea drink preference and so on). Segments get mapped to new categories in your DMP taxonomy.{audienceId}/segments
3 Add users to segments The PII of the users being added to segments. When you add users to segments, they get classified into the categories in your DMP taxonomy.{audienceId}/users

Create an Audience

An audience represents the CRM file being uploaded. An audience contains one or segments (classifications of users with the same attributes/behavior).

To create an audience, you make a POST request to that includes a JSON body with the name and description of your audience, and segmentationEnabled set to true. The following example demonstrates the JSON body:

OnRamp Audiences API POST Request Example
"name": "Coffee Drinkers",
"description": "An offline file with the age, gender, and drink preference (coffee or tea) of customers",
"segmentationEnabled": true

The POST response will include the unique ID generated for your audience (for example, 12345) and an HTTP 201 success code (audience created successfully).

OnRamp Audiences API POST Response Example
"audienceId": 12345

Create segments

Segments represent the columns in your CRM file that contain specific user classifications (for example, age, gender, coffee/tea drink preference and so on). Segments get mapped to new categories in your DMP taxonomy.

To create segments, you make a POST request to{audienceId}/segments with the following:

  • The audience ID returned when you created the audience (for example,
  • A JSON body that includes a list of segments.

Each segment includes a classificationName and segmentName, which represent key-value pairs. For example, to specify a "gender" segment, you would create two segments: one with a classificationName set to "gender" and segmentName to "female", and another with the classificationName set to "gender" and segmentName to male.

The following example demonstrates a JSON body with age, gender, and drink segments:

OnRamp Segments API POST Request Example

The POST response will include the IDs for the classifications and segments created and an HTTP 201 success code (segments created successfully).

OnRamp Segments API POST Response Example
{ "classificationId":208908,

Add users to segments

To add users to the segments you created in step 2, you make a POST request to{audienceId}/users with (1) the audience ID you got in step 1 in the URI (for example, (2) a JSON body that includes a list of items. Each item contains the PII of the user, the segments to which they are to be added, and the operation set to "APPEND". At a minimum, the PII may be one of the following combinations:

  • First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip.
  • First Name, Last Name, Zip.
  • Email Address.
  • Hashed Email Address (SHA-256, SHA-1, or MD5).

Maximizing Match Rates. To maximize match rates and onboard as much data as possible, provide all the PII you have on users.

The following example demonstrates a JSON body adding a user to the female, 35-65, and coffee segments created in step 2 based on their address, email address, and SHA-256 email hash:

OnRamp Users API POST Request Example
"segments":{"gender":"female", "age":"35-65", "drink":"coffee"},
"address1":"120 Elm St.",
"city":"San Diego",

The POST response will include an HTTP 202 success code (user added successfully).

OnRamp Users API POST Response Example

OnRamp category creation

When you add users to segments, OnRamp creates categories in your Oracle Data Cloud platform taxonomy for each of your segments. It also creates classification rules that onboard the segments into the new categories. After your data has been onboarded, you can find the categories created for your segments under the Self-Classification node in your DMP taxonomy the category names have the following syntax: {Platform category ID}-{DLX Audience Name} (for example, 36524-Smartphone Buyers). You can add your new categories to your target audiences, and create a campaign to deliver your audiences across multiple media execution platforms. You can create audiences and campaigns using the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI or the Oracle Data Cloud platform Audience and Campaign APIs.

Authenticating OnRamp API requests

The API security model is based upon the HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) used in AWS, Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure, and other public API platforms. The basic algorithm hashes select portions of the HTTP request (the signing string) using a HMAC key known to both the Oracle Data Cloud API Security Gateway and the application. The resulting hashed string (the signature) is then included in the request. Each API request requires certain HTTP headers be included that identify your activity. If these headers are missing, incomplete, or wrong, your request will fail with a HTTP/401 (Forbidden) error.


The request must contain the Host and Date and Authorization headers. While the Host and Date headers are standard the Authorization header must be formatted as such:

3AMP version="1",keyId="<clientId>",headers="(resource-target) host date",algorithm="hmac-sha256", signature="<signature>"

The <clientId> value will be provided to you and the <signature> must be computed for each request using a Base64-encoded, SHA256 hashed value using your client secret as such (NOTE: lowercase):

get<request path><host header value><date header value>


The following headers must be included:

  • Host
  • Date
  • Content-Type
  • Content-Length
  • X-Content-SHA256 This is the hash of the post body.

The Authorization header is as follows:

3AMP version="1",keyId="<clientId>",headers="(resource-target) host date content-type content-length x-content-sha256",algorithm="hmac-sha256", signature="<signature>"


This is the same as a POST request.


This is the same as a GET request.

Java Example

This section provides an example of how to create the HMAC MD5 signatures in Java:

OnRamp API Authentication Example - Java

import org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class OnRampApiExample {
    private static final String     Host          = "";
    private static final String     Algorithm     = "HmacSHA256";
    private static final String     GetHeaderFmt  = "3AMP version=\"1\",keyId=\"%1$s\",headers=\"(resource-target) host date\",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\",signature=\"%2$s\"";
    private static final String     PostHeaderFmt = "3AMP version=\"1\",keyId=\"%1$s\",headers=\"(resource-target) host date x-content-sha256 content-length content-type\",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\",signature=\"%2$s\"";
    private static final String     Rfc2822FmtStr = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz";
    private static final DateFormat Rfc2822Fmt    = new SimpleDateFormat(Rfc2822FmtStr, Locale.US);
    private static final Mac        Hmac;

    // Replace these values
    private static final String     ClientId      = "***REDACTED***";
    private static final String     Secret        = "***REDACTED***";

    static {
        try {
            System.setProperty("", "true");
            Hmac = Mac.getInstance(Algorithm);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

private static void post(String payload, String host, String uri, String clientID, String clientSecret) throws Exception {
        Hmac.init( new SecretKeySpec(clientSecret.getBytes("UTF-8"), Algorithm) );


        // Set up the request

        URL            url        = new URL(host + uri);
        ClientConfig   config     = new ClientConfig();
        Client         client     = JerseyClientBuilder.newClient(config);

        // Build the signing string and the Authorization header
        String         rfc2822    = Rfc2822Fmt.format( new Date() );
        String         sha256     = getSha256(payload);
        int            clen       = payload.getBytes("UTF-8").length;
        String         ctype      = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
        String         signingStr = ("post"+url.getPath()+url.getHost()+rfc2822+sha256+clen+ctype).toLowerCase();
        String         signature  = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(Hmac.doFinal(signingStr.getBytes("UTF-8"))), "UTF-8");
        String         authHeader = String.format(PostHeaderFmt, clientID, signature, sha256, clen, ctype);

        // Add the headers declared by the authorization to the request

     // Initiate the request
        Response response = client
                .header("Date",             rfc2822)
                .header("Authorization",    authHeader)
                .header("X-Content-Sha256", sha256)
                .header("Content-Length",   clen)
                .header("Content-Type",     ctype)
                .post(Entity.entity(payload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));

        if (response.getStatus() != 201 && response.getStatus() != 202 && response.getStatus() !=200 ) throw new IOException("Bad response: "+response.getStatus());


private static void getRequest(String host, String uri, String clientID, String clientSecret) throws Exception {
        Hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(clientSecret.getBytes("UTF-8"), Algorithm));


        // Set up the request
        URL url = new URL(host + uri);
        ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
        Client client = JerseyClientBuilder.newClient(config);

        // Build the signing string and the Authorization header
        String rfc2822    = Rfc2822Fmt.format(new Date());
        String signingStr = ("get" + url.getPath() + url.getHost() + rfc2822).toLowerCase();
        // String signature  = Base64.encodeBase64String(Hmac.doFinal(signingStr.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        String signature  = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(Hmac.doFinal(signingStr.getBytes("UTF-8"))), "UTF-8");
        String authHeader = String.format(GetHeaderFmt, clientID, signature);

        // Initiate the request
        Response response = client
                .header("Date", rfc2822)
                .header("Authorization", authHeader)
        if (response.getStatus() != 200) throw new IOException("Bad response: " + response.getStatus());


private static String getSha256(String text) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,UnsupportedEncodingException {
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        byte[]        hash   = digest.digest(text.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        return new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(hash), "UTF-8");

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        boolean getExample = false;

        if (getExample) {
            String uri = "/audience-onramp/api/v1/audiences/3392037";

            getRequest(Host, uri, ClientId, Secret);

        } else {
            String payload  = "{\"name\":\"test_audience_123\"}";
            String uri      = "/audience-onramp/api/v1/audiences";

            post(payload, Host, uri, ClientId, Secret);

OnRamp API programmer's reference

The following section detials the methods and response codes for the OnRamp API.


The following table details the methods and parameters supported by the OnRamp audiences, segments, and users APIs.

API HTTP Method Endpoint Description GET Response/
POST Request Body


Create an audience.

OnRamp Audiences API - POST Request: JSON Body Parameters

Item Type Description
name string The name of the audience to be created.
description string A description of the audience to be created.
segmentationEnabled boolean Set to true.

Get a list of audience details and metrics.

OnRamp Audience API - GET Request (List): URI Parameters

Item Type Description
limit int The maximum number of audiences to be returned.
offset int The starting index from which to return audiences.

OnRamp Audience API - GET Request (Read): URI Parameters

Item Type Description
audienceId int The unique ID generated for the audience.

OnRamp Audiences API - GET Response: JSON Body Parameters

Item Type Description
name string The name of the audience.
audienceId string The unique ID of the audience.
description string The description of the audience.
fullfillmentPartners object Includes partner and partnerId fields that are set to BLUE_KAI and 0, respectively.
segmentationEnabled boolean Whether segments are to be created for audience. This is set to true.
totalHouseholds int

The number of matched household IDs in the audience.

totalIndividuals int The number of matched indivudual IDs in the audience.
totalRecords int The number of input records in the audience.
GET (Read){audienceId} Get details and metrics for a specific OnRamp audience:
Segments POST{audienceId}/segments

Add segments to an audience.

OnRamp Segments API - POST Request: JSON Body Parameters

Item Type Description
segments list An array containing a list of classification and segment names.


string The name of a classfication key (for example, gender or age).


int The ID of a classfication key.


string The name of a classfication value (for example, male or female for the gender key).


int The ID of a classfication value.
Users POST{audienceId}/users Add users to segments.

OnRamp Users API - POST Request: JSON Body Parameters

Item Type Description
items list

An array containing a list of users' PII.

operation enum Always set to APPEND.
segments list

A comma-separated list of segment names to which the user is to be added. This field uses the following syntax:

"segments": {"classification 1" : "segment 1",
"classification 2" : "segment 2", "classification n": "segment n" };

firstName string The user's first name.
lastName string The user's last name (surname).


string A street address (123 Elm St.)


string An apartments, suite, or unit number (Apt # 600).


string The city where the user resides.
state string The state where the user resides. The OnRamp API only supports the onboarding of users residing in the United States.
zip string The five-digit zip code where the user resides (95121).
zip4 string The five-digit zip code plus the four-digit geographical segment where the user resides (95121-0003).
email string The user's raw unhashed email address.
emailSha256 string The user's SHA-256 hashed email address.
emailSha1 string The user's SHA-1 hashed email address.
emailMd5 string The user's MD5 hashed email address.
customerId string

A match key used to match the client’s data to the Oracle ID graph. You must complete a pre-match with Oracle Data Cloud to use this data type.

A customer ID enables you to upload a file containing your customer IDs instead of raw PII; however, this ID must be defined in the Oracle Data Cloud system prior to you using the OnRamp API.

HTTP response codes

Your OnRamp API requests will return the following JSON-formatted data that includes an HTTP status code and a message description:

HTTP Status Code Message Description API
201 Audience created successfully. Audiences POST
Segments POST


Users added successfully.



Invalid request. This most likely indicates that there is a missing parameter or malformed JSON in the body of the POST request.

401 Unauthorized. This indicates that the OnRamp API call is missing a valid API key or valid method signature.
404 Not found. No audience with the provided audience ID exists. Audiences GET (Read)


Internal error. This indicates a service error with the OnRamp API. Contact your Oracle Data Cloud representative.
