Vendors API

You can use the vendors web service to configure a vendor's app to connect your DMP with the app partner's platform. Once you associate a vendor's app and an audience with a campaign, you can activate the campaign and start data delivery.

Note: Users no longer create campaigns in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The campaign workflow is now part of the audience workflow. The platform still uses campaigns to manage audience data delivery however. They are created automatically when a UI user delivers an audience. In the APIs, you create and use campaigns as before.

In this topic  

Explore the API

The embedded I/O doc below enables you to explore the API. The I/O  doc explains the parameters for each method and provides templates for your calls. You cannot make live API calls from the tool, however.

Open the link below in a new tab to see the I/O doc in a three-pane format.

For help with this API, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

Service URI

The URI for the vendors API is:


The URI for the vendors API schema is:

Related API calls

Here are the API calls you will typically make after you use the vendors API:

Post-vendors API Use case
Audiences API Create and manage audiences for use with campaigns and your apps.
Campaigns API Create instructions for delivering your target audience to DMP partners.

GET and POST response summary

The vendors API GET and POST responses include the following information with each vendor returned:

Property Type Description
attributes array An array of key-value pairs providing details about the vendor
campaign array An object describing the campaign associated with the vendor.
For details about its properties, see campaigns API.
createdAt string A timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) indicating when the vendor was created
For example: 2017-03-18T17:46:32-05:00
id integer The unique identifier assigned to the vendor
name string The user-specified name for the vendor's app, such as "Oracle Modeling 360 configuration"
partnerId integer The unique ID assigned to the associated partner in the Oracle Data Cloud platform, such as 2345
permissionedCategoryIds array

An array of whitelisted category IDs
For more details, see taxonomy partner permissions API.

pricingModel array An object that describes the pricing model used for billing and reporting and includes a name, description, and an id.
The id may be one of the following:
  • 1: CPS
  • 2: CPM
  • 3: FlatFee
  • 4: Search
  • 5: % of Spend
  • 6: Set in IO
profileInputs array An object that describes the behavioral and demographic profile of the associated audience, including category and partner IDs
solutionType array An object that describes the type of campaign solution, including the following parameters:
  • id: The numeric ID of the solution type, such as 6 for look-alike modeling
  • name: The name of the solution type, such as lookalike
  • systemName: The system name corresponding to the name
  • description: A description of the solution type
  • type: The type of solution
The id parameter indicates one of the following campaign types:
  • 1: Media targeting
  • 2: Dynamic creative optimization (DCO)
  • 3: Site side optimization (SSO)
  • 5: Search
  • 6: Look-alike modeling
status string Indicates whether the vendor is active (the default) or deleted.
updatedAt string A timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) indicating when the vendor was last modified in Oracle Data Cloud platform. For example: 2017-04-18T17:46:32-05:00
vendorTemplate array An object that includes values from the associated vendor template

Response errors

To see the latest error codes, call

If your request fails, the response will use one of the following error messages:

Error code Description
BK-10001 Could not find resource for the specified path
BK-10002 Bad query parameters
BK-10003 Invalid JSON input
BK-10004 Input JSON does not pass schema validation
BK-10005 Input JSON contains bad property
BK-10006 Input JSON has missing properties
BK-10007 Input JSON has bad property that does not match min length requirement
BK-10008 Input JSON has bad property that does not match max length requirement
BK-10009 Not enough privileges to access requested resource
BK-10010 The request could not be completed by the service due to malformed data or syntax
BK-10011 Incorrect sorting parameter
BK-10012 Additional properties detected. Schema does not allow extra properties to be present
BK-10013 Incorrect expand parameter
BK-10014 Incorrect q query parameter syntax
BK-10015 Property has unacceptable/bad format
BK-10016 Property value does not appear on the list of acceptable values
BK-10017 Array must not contain duplicate entries
BK-43001 Vendor was not found
BK-43002 Pricing model is required
BK-43003 Solution type is required
BK-43004 Vendor template is required
BK-43005 Third party identifier is required
BK-43006 Username is required
BK-43007 Password is required
BK-43008 Access token is required
BK-43009 Client code is required
BK-43010 Adbox url is required
BK-43011 Inject type is required
BK-43012 Eloqua install id is required
BK-43013 Eloqua site id is required
BK-43014 Eloqua pod api url is required
BK-43015 Vendor template or pricing model not supported for given solution type
BK-43016 Vendor attribute invalid
BK-43017 Contact info is required
BK-43018 Data granularity campaigns is required
BK-43019 Data granularity categories is required
BK-43020 Vendor template change forbidden
BK-43021 Advertiser is required
BK-43022 Currency code is required
BK-43023 Permissioned category ids are required
BK-43024 Profile inputs are required
BK-43025 Profile input name is required
BK-43026 Profile input id is required
BK-43027 Profile input category ids is required
BK-43028 The ID swap pixel url in your selected app is malformed
BK-43029 ID Swap pixel is already configured for this App partner
BK-43030 Contact info contains invalid email address

Learn more

Installing an app

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