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Ad Server Log File Ingest

As an alternative to onboarding your media data via BlueKai creative tags, Oracle can retrieve your Google DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM) and DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) ad server log files for use with media audience analytics (MAA).

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Importing DCM log file data

The following instructions will allow the Oracle Data Cloud platform to import your Google DCM log files so that you can capture media delivery data without a pixel for use with MAA reports.

To import DCM log file data:

  1. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) and request the ad server log file ingest option.
  2. Enable data transfer v2.0 for Google DCM.
  3. Access your DCM log via Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
  4. Contact your Google account manager and request that the encrypted Oracle Data Cloud platform user ID be added to the partner1 ID or partner2 ID field in your DCM log files.
  5. Email the following information to
    • The GCS bucket URL where your DCM data transfer files are located
    • The field that contains the encrypted Oracle Data Cloud platform user ID (partner1 ID or partner2 ID)
    • Advertisers or Advertiser IDs to be included in the MAA reports
    • The date when you will begin transferring your log files
  6. Add to the Google Group that has access to your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.
  7. To import campaign metrics into your media audience analytics reports (impressions and clicks), provide DCM API access to
    The platform uses these APIs to retrieve the advertiser, campaign, and site names for the associated IDs in your log files.
    This enables Oracle Data Cloud to receive your campaign metrics automatically as your ad server makes it available daily. Our audience analytics team will receive a summary of your campaign metrics that includes the following data:
    Advertiser (client) ID/nameMandatory
    Ad ID/nameMandatory
    Creative ID/nameMandatory
    Placement ID/nameMandatory
    Site ID/name(Optional)
    User event count (multiple columns)Impressions and clicks

Importing DFP log file data

The following instructions will allow the Oracle Data Cloud platform to import your Google DFP log files so that you can capture media delivery data without a pixel for use with MAA reports.

To import DFP log file data into the Oracle Data Cloud platform:

  1. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) and request the ad server log file ingest option.
  2. Use tag management tools to deploy an ID swap tag on your sites in order to sync your unique user cookie IDs (UUIDs) with Oracle Data Cloud anonymous cookie IDs (BKUUIDs).
  3. Enable data transfer for Google DFP as described in access DFP storage buckets.
  4. Add to the Google Group that has access to your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.
  5. Email the following information to
    • The GCS bucket URL where your DFP data transfer files are located
    • The field (column) delimiter in your log files, which can be comma (,), caret (^), or thorn (þ)
    • The field containing the user ID that you pass to DFP

      Important: You must pass the same set of user IDs to both DFP and the Oracle Data Cloud platform to successfully use DFP log files. Google does not provide DMP partner user IDs in DFP files.

    • The key that represents the user ID when you swap user IDs with DFP. For example, in u=12a4y5c6, u is the key and 12a4y5c6 is the user ID.
    • Sample user ID values for testing
    • Advertisers or Advertiser IDs to be included in the MAA reports


What are the requirement for using the ad server log file alternative?

You must purchase the Media Audience Analytics Cloud Service SKU and adhere to the requirements listed in your ad server's onboarding documentation.

What is the time range of the resulting reports?

The reports are based on events logged during the prior 30 days.


Media audience analytics