Running the Buyer Exchange Report

  1. Open the buyer exchange report.
  2. Create the report query.
  3. View the report output.
  4. Manage exchange report templates.

You can create a buyer exchange report to analyze your data usage and cost over a specific interval. For example, you can view the impressions and pixel calls for an audience delivery over a daily or monthly interval to evaluate the amount and cost of the data that the campaign is winning. After you configure your buyer exchange report, you can export it to a tab-separated value (TSV) file or run it in your web browser.

Exchange Report query window

Note: The Buyer Exchange report may take ten minutes or more to complete.

Opening the buyer exchange report

To open the buyer exchange report:

  • Select Report > Buyer Exchange. The Exchange Reports page lists all the exchange reports you have previously saved as templates. For details, see managing exchange report templates.

    exchange reports window

Creating the report query

The exchange report query specifies the range of dates for which you want to check data and the interval in which to list the results.

Note: You can select and view information in this report based on campaigns. Although users do not explicitly create campaigns in the platform UI, the system creates them automatically to manage data delivery. Each campaign has a unique ID.

To create the report query:

  1. Click Create New. The Exchange Report dialog is displayed.
    Exchange Report query window
  2. Select the range of dates and the interval for your the report following these steps:
    1. In the Date Range list, select for which range of days or dates to report the exchange data. Select one of these date ranges:
      • Yesterday
      • Past 7 Days (default)
      • Past 30 Days
      • Custom Range: If you select this option, enter the start and end dates in the Date From and Date To boxes, or select them using the calendar.
    2. Under Interval, specify the time range used to display the data in the report. An interval represents a period of time in which the individual data records are summed and provided as a single result for the whole time. You can select the following intervals: Hourly, Daily, Monthly, or Quarterly. The interval that is the most appropriate for the Date Range specified in step 1 is selected by default. For example, if you select the Today or Yesterday date ranges, the default interval is Hourly; if you select the Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days, or Custom Range, the default is Daily.
  3. Under Display Columns, select check boxes for dimensions to be added as columns in the report. To speed the report configuration process, the dimensions are logically grouped into the following categories: Most Popular, Audience Related, and Campaign Related. When you select a dimension, a tab for the dimension is added to Dimension Column Order at the bottom left. If filtering was applied to the dimension, its tab is highlighted green. Some dimensions include multiple check boxes for each format you want to include in the report, such as name, ID, or path. Dimensions that include a box under Filters can optionally be narrowed to a specific type. If you do not specify a filter, all the applicable data for that dimension is included in the report. You can add the following dimensions to your exchange report:
    CampaignSelect campaigns you used to purchase and target an audience. You can include the ID and name for each selected campaign.
    CategoryDisplays the category in the target audience that is associated with the campaigns. You can include the ID, name, or path of the category.
    Data SourceSelect the data source used for the campaigns:
    • Any (default)
    • Retargeted (first-party) data
    • Prospecting (third-party) data
    Target CountryDisplays he countries included in the audience
    Campaign CountryDisplays the countries targeted by the audience.
    Campaign TypeDisplays the campaign type:
    • Any (default)
    • Internal
    • Certified
    Country WonThe country code and name of the users won. Geolocation data is based on the IP addresses of online users and country locations specified for offline users.
    Current StatusDisplays the status of the campaigns:
    • Any (default)
    • Active
    • Idle
    Max BidDisplays the maximum bid prices specified for the campaigns.
    OrderDisplays the name of the order associated with the campaign. The order specifies the total budget for one or more campaigns.
    Order TypeSelect the order type:
    • Any (default)
    • Normal
    • Time based
    • Bulk
    Pacing GoalDisplays the pacing goal for the campaign in dollars ($) or impressions per time period format. The actual format depends on the pacing type used for the campaign.
    Pacing TypeDisplays the pacing type used for the campaign:
    • Any (default)
    • No Restriction
    • Budget Per Day
    • Budget Per Campaign Lifetime
    • Stamps Per Day
    • Stamps Per Campaign Lifetime
    • Cost Per 1000 impressions (CPM)
    • Audience On
    Pixel URLDisplays the URL of the pixel used to trigger an ID swap or transfer the user with their category.
  4. Select check boxes for the metrics you want to include as columns in your report. When you select a metric, a tab for the metric is added to the Metric Column Order box at the bottom right of the page.
    Cost Per 1000 StampsThe average spend per 1,000 impressions (including finance-entered adjustments)
    Cost Per StampThe average spend per stamp
    SpendThe total cost of the campaign
    StampsNumber of times a user was sold with a category based on the campaign's target audience
    If you include the cost per stamp or spend metrics in your report with an hourly interval, they will not return any data (they will display a series of zeroes).
  5. After you select dimensions and metrics, you can change how their columns are ordered in the report. The dimensions and metrics are listed from left to right in the order in which you selected them. Drag its tab to the desired position within its respective Column Order box.
  6. Click Run to generate the report. Alternatively, you can:
    1. Click Export to generate and download the report as a tab-separated value (TSV) file.
    2. Click Save as Template to save the report and download it to a TSV file. Saving a report as a template stores the configuration, including date range, interval, dimensions, metrics, and column ordering so that you can run the report without having to recreate it. When you save a report as a template, a snapshot of the report is created each time you run it. You can view or download the snapshot to analyze the data as it existed when the snapshot was created.

Exporting the report

You can export an exchange report from the report query page or the output page.

To export an exchange report:

  1. Click Export.
  2. A new tab opens and the report is generated. A TSV file is then downloaded to your computer.
  3. Save the report.
  4. You can open and view the report using a spreadsheet or text application.
  5. Click Close to close the new tab that opened when you ran your report.

Saving the report as a template

You can save an exchange report as a template so that you can re-run the report whenever needed. When you save a report as a template, a snapshot of the report is created each time the report is run. You can view or download the snapshot to analyze the data as it existed when the snapshot was created. After you create a template, you can clone it to create new templates with varied configurations or different scheduling.

To save an exchange report as a template:

  1. Click Save as Template. The New Exchange Report Template dialog is displayed.
  2. In the Basic Information section, configure the following properties:
    NameEnter a descriptive name for the template.
    Labels(Optional) Enter an alias name or nickname for the report that can be used to filter the exchange report templates.
    Notes(Optional) Enter a description, purpose, use case, instructions, or any other text to be associated with the exchange report.

    New Exchange Report Template window
  3. Click Save. Your report is added to the main exchange report page. See managing exchange templates for more information on viewing, copying, and editing your templates.

Viewing the report output

When you run an exchange report, the report opens in a new tab in your web browser. It includes a summary at the top and a table that lists the exchange data.

Viewing the report summary

The exchange report includes at a summary at the top that lists the dimensions selected in the report. You can click Details to view additional information such as the report name (if saved as a template), the selected date range and interval, the snapshot ID, the date the report was last run, and any labels associated with the report. In addition, the details includes the filters applied to the provider, site, and category dimensions. Click Export to export the exchange report to a TSV file.

exchange report summary

Viewing the report table

The bottom of the exchange report includes lists the exchange data and interval within the specified date range. The columns are listed in the order you specified in the report query.

exchange report table

To sort and filter the exchange data:

  1. Click the filter icon in a column. Each columns have sliders to adjust the value.
  2. To specify a specific value, click on the value at either end of the filter and then type the desired value.
  3. Click Apply to filter the data.

Managing exchange report templates

After you save an exchange report template, it is added to the list of templates in the exchange report index page. You can then view, copy, edit, and delete your templates.

Viewing templates

To view the exchange reports you saved as templates:

  1. (Optional) Sort the exchange report templates using one or more of the following column headers: ID, Name, Labels, Created By, Created, or Updated.
  2. (Optional) Filter exchange report templates using one or more of the following properties listed in the left sidebar:
    • Name: Enter the name of the bookmarked report, and then press Enter.
    • Created Date: Display only Exchange Report templates created in the Past Day, Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days, or for a Custom date range. To specify a Custom date range, click the From and To boxes and select the start and end dates from the calendar.
    • Created By: Display only Exchange Report templates that are Created by Me or by Created by Any User.
      Note: To clear the filter applied to a property, click the Any <property> option. To clear all the filters, click Reset Filters.
  3. To view a detailed summary of your exchange report template, click the template's Name. An exchange report template details page opens.
  4. The top of the page lists the template's status, ID, name, creation date, and last update. It then includes sections for the following properties:
    Report columnsThis section lists the following properties:
    • Dimensions: The number and names of the dimensions included in the report
    • Filtered by: The filtering used to includes the specified providers, sites, and categories in the report
    • Metrics: The number and names of the metrics included in the report
    Report snapshotsThe number of snapshots taken of the report. A snapshot is created each time the report is generated from the template. This section includes a timestamp and ID for each snapshot. Click View to open the snapshot of the exchange report. Click Download to export the report snapshot to a TSV file on your computer.
    Date rangeThe range of days or dates for which exchange data is reported
    IntervalThe period of time over which the exchange data is summed and provided as a single result
    LabelsThe labels used for sorting and filtering this template
    NotesAny user-specified notes entered for this template
  5. Click Run to manually generate the report. This also creates a snapshot.
  6. Click Copy to Create New to create a copy of the exchange report template. By default, the copy will have the same query as the original. You can modify the copy's date range, interval, dimensions, metrics as needed, and then create a new template and/or run the report.
  7. Click Edit to configure the basic information of the report.
  8. Click Back to return to the main exchange reports template page.

Copying templates

You can copy an exchange report template to create a new exchange report that has the same query as the template. You can then modify the copy's date range, interval, dimensions, metrics as needed, and then create a template for the copied report or run it. This is useful for quickly creating nuanced or specialized versions of an existing exchange report.

To copy a template:

  1. Select the check box for the template to be copied.
  2. Click Copy to Create New.
  3. Modify the report query, as needed.
  4. Export the exchange report to a TSV file, run the report in your web browser, or save it as a template.

Editing templates

To edit the basic information and schedule for an exchange report template:

  1. Select the check box for the template for you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Edit Exchange Report Template dialog, modify the template's name, label, and notes).
  4. Click Save.

Deleting templates

To permanently remove an exchange report template:

  1. Select the check box for the template for you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion of the template.