Reporting Oracle Data Cloud Third-Party Data Usage for Facebook

If you use Oracle Data Cloud third-party DLX data for advertising targeted to the Facebook platform, your reporting requirements are slightly different from those for other targets. Your reports need to include the information in the following table instead of the information mentioned in the following document: Reporting Oracle Data Cloud Third-Party Data Usage. Follow the standard instructions aside from that difference.

All reports should be emailed to your account manager and to

In this topic

Billing Attribution

If an Oracle Data Cloud audience is used in an Adset, you are required to provide reporting that accounts for a daily Adset view. This ensures that audience usage is properly accounted for when an Oracle Data Cloud audience is used for a portion of the billing month. The percent of media rate of the most expensive Oracle Data Cloud audience in the Adset (premium or standard) should be applied to the entire Adset spend regardless of audience mix or usage.

There are two audience types, Premium and Standard. Audience usage is billed based on the designated rate. The audiences included in each type are outlined in the following list.

  • Premium Audiences: B2B, Claritas/Nielsen, comScore, CPG, MasterCard, Polk Auto, Retail, TransUnion, Visa, all Oracle custom audiences.​
  • Standard Audiences: BuyerProfile, Consumer Tech, Demos, Finance, Hobbies and Interests, Philanthropy, Politics, Proximity, Seasonal, Subscription Services, Telecommunications and Travel.

Reporting Requirements

Use the following table for information about what you must include in your reports to Oracle Data Cloud.

Col #





Digital Audience Type


The type of Oracle Powered Facebook Custom Audience being used in the ad set. Use the value in the Facebook UI. If no value is available, leave this column empty.


Advertiser Account ID


The client or channel ID of the advertiser.


Advertiser Name


The name of the advertiser purchasing the data.


Ad Set ID


The ID of the Facebook advertising level at which audience targeting is selected.


Ad Set Name


The name of the Facebook advertising level at which audience targeting is selected.


Audience Name


The name of the audience.


Impressions Delivered


The number of impressions for the specified list of campaign, audience, or vendor segment.


Media Spend


The total gross amount you spend on media in connection with Facebook Ad Sets that include Oracle Powered Facebook Custom Audiences and DLX Oracle Powered Facebook Look-a-Like Audiences.

9 Rev Share % Required

The Facebook Digital Audience Fee applied to an Adset for use of Oracle Data Cloud audiences. Rates are included in Exhibit 1 of the Facebook Ordering Document.

10 Revenue Share $ Required

The dollar amount the you owe to Oracle Data Cloud for the use of audiences. Calculated by applying Rev Share % to Media Spend.