Example of Scoring Setup for Supplier Risk Management

This table shows an example of criteria you can apply to identify suppliers with high risk. You can set the time frame to either last 3 months or 1 year for each criteria.

Criteria Weight
Revenue more than $5B 45
Revenue between $500M to $5B 30
Revenue between $100M to $500M 10
Revenue up to $100M 5
Leadership Change -6
Reorganization or Name Change -6
Was Acquired -11
Regulatory Issues -11
Bankruptcy -11
Security Challenges -11
Outsourcing -11
Legal Issues -11
Layoffs -11
Special Risk: Fin Services below $500M, Iceland, Crypto Exposure -21
Company Turbulence -31
Strategic Category: Cybersecurity software with revenue greater than $5B -40
Geographic Risk: FATF Monitored Countries -60