Date and Timestamp

The Date data type contains a date value, and the Timestamp data type contains a date and time value. Date and Timestamp methods must evaluate to a Boolean value. You can add these methods to the date or timestamp data types:

Table 23-3 Data and Timestamp Methods

Method Description
after Returns True if the date or timestamp value is after the specified point in time
afterOrEqual Returns True if the date or timestamp value is after or on the specified point in time
before Returns True if the date or timestamp value is before the specified point in time
beforeOrEqual Returns True if the date or timestamp value is before or on the specified point in time
equals Returns True if the date or timestamp value equals the specified point in time
format (Date data type only)

Convert a date into a formatted string data type. For example, converts the start date into a formatted string.

See Date and Time Formatting Symbols for date and time formatting.

isNull Returns True if the date or timestamp has a null value
minus Returns a date with the specified period subtracted. You must specify the amount and the unit (Days, Weeks, Months, Years) of time to subtract.
plus Returns a date with the specified period added. You must specify the amount and the unit (Days, Weeks, Months, Years) of time to add.
toDate (Timestamp data type only) Converts a timestamp into a date by truncating the time portion.
toTimestamp (Date data type only) Converts a date into a timestamp by adding the time of day to the date.

Specify the following:

  • START_OF_DAY: Adds 00:00:00 based on UTC time zone
  • END_OF_DAY: Adds 23:59:59 PM based on UTC time zone


You cannot enter literal values as date or timestamp values in expressions. For example, you can create a custom validation for before, but not before "01-01-2019".