Registering Cubes, Application Settings, and Dimensions

Use these steps to register cubes, application settings, and dimensions from Planning and FreeForm applications.

To register cubes and define application settings:

  1. On the Cubes screen, click Add, then enter the cube name and then specify the cube type:
    • ASO (all application types)
    • BSO (Planning and Planning Modules applications only)
    • BSO-Hybrid (FreeForm applications only)


    The cube name is put into the Source Plan Type property and other related properties, such as Aggregation, Formula, and Data Storage.

    Add all the cubes used in the dimensions you are registering.

  2. Define the application settings.
    Field Valid Values Example

    Alias Tables

    Enter dimension alias tables.

    Default English Spanish

    Weekly Distribution Type (Planning and Planning Modules applications only)

    Specify the weekly distribution type.

    This option is not displayed for FreeForm applications because the weekly distribution for those applications is always Even.


    Multi Currency (Planning and Planning Modules applications only)

    Set this check box, if the Planning application supports multi-currency.

    This option is not displayed for FreeForm applications because Multi Currency is always enabled for those applications.

    Select the check box

    Hybrid Mode (Planning and Planning Modules applications only)

    Set this check box if the Planning application supports hybrid mode.

    This option is not displayed for FreeForm applications because Hybrid mode is always enabled for those applications.


    Select this check box to add the plan type-specific Solve Order properties to all BSO and ASO cubes. Clear the check box to add the plan-type specific Solve Order properties only to ASO cubes.

    Select the check box


    You must enter at least one currency code.


    Smart Lists

    Enter the name of one or more smart lists. The smart list names you enter will be a selectable item in the Smart List property. Smart list values can be managed in the external application only.


  3. Register the dimensions.

    To register one or more dimensions, click Add, and then enter the following information:

    Field Valid Values Example

    Dimension Name

    Enter a dimension name. If this is different than the actual dimension in your external application, specify the external dimension name below.

    Financial Account

    The value you enter becomes the name of the viewpoint, node set, hierarchy set, node type and dimension in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud.

    Dimension Description

    Optionally enter a dimension description.


    Dimension Type

    Select the dimension type: Account, Entity or Custom.


    The default Dimension Type is "Account" for Planning and Planning Modules applications, and "Custom" for FreeForm applications).

    For FreeForm applications, if you select the Account or Entity dimension type you must have enabled the dimension and associated it with the Account or Entity dimension type in the external application. See Creating a FreeForm App Using the Application Creation Wizard in Administering Planning.


    Allow Shared Nodes

    Select if the dimension you are importing has shared nodes.

    Select the valid cubes for this dimension Select all the cubes for the dimension. Use the back button to enter additional cubes if needed. Plan1 Plan2
    Enter the External Dimension name Optionally enter the external dimension name. This lets you enter a different value for the dimension name above.


  4. Optionally, add one or more attributes:
    • For simple attributes:
      • Select the simple attribute management style.
      • Enter an attribute name.
      • Enter all values you want to use for the attributes.


        The attribute name is put into the Attribute - name property and the values are put into a pull-down list.
    • For attribute dimensions:
      • Select the dimension attribute management style.
      • Enter an attribute dimension name.
      • For Attribute Type, select Text, Numeric, or Date.


        The attribute dimension name is put into the Attribute Dim - name property and the viewpoint for the attribute dimension is added to the default view for the application.

      See Understanding Attributes.

  5. Review the summary, and then click Apply.

    The dimension and its' data chain are created. The data objects are bound to the dimension and set to active status. You can now import dimension data, see Importing Planning and FreeForm Dimensions.