
Across Variables, press Alt+S to save changes.

Variables Table

Once focus appears on column header, use the following access keys:

Keys Action
Up Arrow Move highlight to the previous row
Down Arrow Move highlight to the next row
Spacebar Select the row
Enter, Tab Press Enter to focus on row control object/fields.

Then press Tab to move focus to each of the row control objects/fields.

And then Enter again to interact with the desired control.

Esc Release focus on the row

Creating User Variables

  1. Using Tab key, navigate to the + button.
  2. Once focus is on the button, press Enter to add a new row.

    A new row gets added at the bottom of the table with a blue background.

  3. Press Tab key to navigate to the new row.
  4. Once the focus is on the new row, press Enter to open the Select Dimension box.
  5. Using Down Arrow key, select the dimension and press Enter.

    The dimension gets added in the row.

  6. Press Enter to get back focus to the row, and then press Tab to move to the next column.
  7. Using Tab, move focus to each column and type or select relevant information.
  8. Press Shift+Alt+F to take focus to the Main Content area.
  9. Using Tab key, navigate to Save button.
  10. Press Enter to save changes.