
Exports data audit records into a ZIP file, which you can download and archive on a local computer. Audit information for up to 365 days is available in the environment.

The first character in the output CSV file is the Byte Order Mark (BOM) character \ufeff followed by an encrypted application identifier enclosed in double quotes. CSV file header follows the application identifier.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Strategic Workforce Planning, and Sales Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate exportAppAudit EXPORT_FILE_NAME [userNames=USER_NAMES] [nDays=Number_of_Days] [excludeApplicationId=true|false], where:
  • EXPORT_FILE_NAME is the name of the ZIP file that will store the exported audit data. You use the downloadFile command to download files from an environment.
  • userNames, optionally, is a comma separated list of user login names. If specified, only the audit data created by these users will be exported. Do not specify this value if you want to export the audit data for all users.
  • nDays, optionally, identifies the number of days for which audit records are to be exported. Default is seven days. Possible values are: all to export available audit data for the last 365 days, 1, 2, 7, 30, 60, and 180.
  • excludeApplicationId, optionally identifies whether the application identifier is to be written to the export file. Default is false.


    Data from exported files that do not contain the application identifier cannot be imported into Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environments.


  • Export audit data with the application identifier:

    epmautomate exportAppAudit auditData userNames=johnDoe,jane.doe@example.com ndays=30

  • Export audit data without the application identifier:

    epmautomate exportAppAudit auditData userNames=johnDoe,jane.doe@example.com ndays=30 excludeApplicationId=true