
Exports a dimension from an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application to a file in the staging area or, optionally, to a target environment defined in a connection.

Applies to

Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • User (requires Data Manager permission)


epmautomate exportDimension APPLICATION DIMENSION FILE_NAME [connection=NAME] where:
  • APPLICATION is the name of an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application
  • DIMENSION is the name of an application dimension
  • FILE_NAME is the name of the file (CSV for export to a file or ZIP for export to Oracle Financials Cloud) for storing the exported data. If the connection parameter value is not set, this file is created in the staging area. You can download it to a local computer using the downloadFile command or copy it to another Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment using the copyFileFromInstance command.
  • connection=NAME, optionally, identifies a connection name (instance location) defined in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud. If specified, the export file is uploaded to the target environment (inbox for EPM Cloud and default upload location for Oracle Financials Cloud).


    The credentials specified in the connection definition must have the access rights to write to the target environment.


  • Export to Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud staging area: epmautomate exportDimension USOperations Entity EntityData.CSV
  • Export and upload to Oracle Financials Cloud: epmautomate exportDimension USOperations Entity EntityData.zip Connection=ora_fusion_gl
  • Export and upload to target EPM Cloud inbox: epmautomate exportDimension USOperations Entity EntityData.CSV Connection=EPM_cloud_pln