
Exports Enterprise Journals that are ready to be posted from Financial Consolidation and Close to a ZIP file. This file can then be used to import journal data into an ERP system.

After exporting journals to an export file, this command updates the post status of each exported journal from Ready To Post to Post In Progress.

Applies to

Financial Consolidation and Close

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate exportEJJournals FILE_NAME.zip [year=YEAR [period=PERIOD]] where:

  • FILE_NAME identifies a ZIP file into which journal export CSV files are to be archived. The command generates one CSV file (name format is YEAR_PERIOD_JOURNALID_YYYYDDMMHHMMSS.csv) for each journal and then zips them to create this ZIP file.
  • YEAR, optionally, is the data collection year for which the journal data is to be exported. If not specified, data from all years is exported.
  • PERIOD, optionally, is the data collection period from which journal data is to be exported. May be set only if a data collection year is specified. If a value is not specified, data from all periods is exported.


    If YEAR and PERIOD are not specified, this command exports all journals that are in Ready To Post posting status across all years and periods.


  • Export Journal data for all years and periods:

    epmautomate exportEJJournals Journal_Export.zip

  • Export Journal data for a specific year:

    epmautomate exportEJJournals Journal_Export.zip year=2020

  • Export Journal data for a specific year and period combination:

    epmautomate exportEJJournals Journal_Export.zip year=2021 period=March