
Exports Narrative Reporting library artifacts. Optionally, for report artifacts only, this command can convert the export to an LCM file that you can import into Financial Consolidation and Close, Planning, Planning Modules, or Tax Reporting.

On completing the export, use the downloadFile command to download the export and error files to a local computer.

Applies to

Narrative Reporting

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User
  • User
  • Viewer
Users with Power User, User, and Viewer must be granted additional security through ACL


epmautomate exportLibraryArtifact ARTIFACT_PATH EXPORT_FILE [exportFormat=Native|File|LCM] [applicationName=APP_NAME] [errorFile=ERROR_FILE.txt] where:
  • ARTIFACT_PATH is the location of the artifact in the Narrative Reporting library.
  • EXPORT_FILE is a unique name for the file to which artifacts are to be exported.
  • exportFormat, optionally, is one of the following:
    • Native exports artifacts as a zip file that can be used with other Narrative Reporting environments. This is the default value.
    • File exports files in the original binary format (PDF, DOCX, Zip, JPEG, and so on) in which they are available within Narrative Reporting. This parameter can be used to export binary files only; it should not be used with Reports artifacts.
    • LCM converts reports to the format used by Migration and exports them in a ZIP file that can be imported into Financial Consolidation and Close, Planning, Planning Modules, or Tax Reporting environments.
  • applicationName, optionally, is the name of the target application into which you plan to import the reports. This value is required only if you are using LCM as the value of the exportFormat parameter.
  • errorFile, optionally, is a unique name for the text file that will store export-related errors.


  • Export a report in its native format so that it can be imported into another Narrative Reporting environment:

    epmautomate exportLibraryArtifact "Library/Samples/Sample Report 1" exp_SampleReport1.doc errorFile=export_errors.txt

  • Export a spreadsheet in its original binary format:

    epmautomate exportLibraryArtifact "Library/Spreadsheets/Sheet1.xlsx" exp_Sheet1.xlsx exportFormat=File errorFile=export_errors.txt

  • Export reports and format them for import into Financial Consolidation and Close, Planning, Planning Modules, or Tax Reporting:

    epmautomate exportLibraryArtifact "Library/Samples/Sample Report 1" exp_SampleReport1.zip exportFormat=LCM applicationName=Vision errorFile=report_exp_errors.txt