
Exports valid intersection groups from the business process into a ZIP file, which you can download to a local computer using the downloadFile command. Valid intersections are cell interactions that are filtered based on rules, called valid intersection rules, that you define. These rules filter certain cell intersections to users when they enter data or select runtime prompts.

Applies To

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate exportValidIntersections FILE_NAME.zip [names=INTERSECTION_NAMES] where:

  • FILE_NAME is a name for the export ZIP file. All valid intersection identified in the command are exported to a Microsoft Excel file and then zipped to create this file.

  • names, optionally, identifies a comma separated list of valid intersections that you want to export. If this parameter value is not specified, EPM Automate exports all valid intersections in the application.


  • Export specific valid intersections

    epmautomate exportValidIntersections VI_export_File.zip names=VIAccountPeriod,VIEntityPeriod,VIProductPeriod

  • Export all valid intersections

    epmautomate exportValidIntersections VI_export_File.zip