
Retrieves the values of substitution variables and displays them on screen.

The display format is CUBE_NAME.SUBSTVAR=value, for example, Plan2.CurYear=2016. Application level substitution variable values are displayed in ALL.SUBSTVAR=value format, for example, ALL.CurYear=2016

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User (with Rule Launch access)


epmautomate getSubstVar CUBE_NAME|ALL [name=VARIABLE_NAME] where:

  • CUBE_NAME is the cube (for example, Plan1, Plan2) from which you want to retrieve the substitution variable. Use ALL to retrieve substitution variables at the application level.

  • name=VARIABLE_NAME optionally identifies the substitution variable for which you want to retrieve value. If you do not specify a variable name, the command retrieves the value of all substitution variables.


  • Get the value of all substitution variables at the application and cube level: epmautomate getSubstVar ALL

  • Get the value of one specific substitution variable at the application level: epmautomate getSubstVar ALL name=CurYear

  • Get the value of all substitution variables at the cube level: epmautomate getSubstVar Plan2

  • Get the value of a specific substitution variable at the cube level: epmautomate getSubstVar Plan2 name=CurYear