Cloning an Environment Using a Server-Side Groovy Script

You can include EPM Automate commands in server-side Groovy scripts to clone environments for disaster recovery purposes. This allows setting up disaster recovery without any on-premises footprint.

If passwords contain special characters, see Handling Special Characters. Also, be sure to replace these parameter values to suit your environments:

Table 4-1 Parameters to Change

Parameter Description
password The password of the Service Administrator who is performing the clone operation in the source environment.
targetpassword The password of the Service Administrator who is performing the clone operation in the target environment.
username The user ID of the Service Administrator in the source environment.
targetusername The user ID of the Service Administrator in the target environment. This user must also be assigned to the Identity Domain Administrator role in the target environment.
email_id The email address to which you plan to send information about the cloning process.

Script for Encrypting Password

EpmAutomate automate = getEpmAutomate()

//Encrypt the password of a Service Administrator in the source environment
EpmAutomateStatus encryptstatus1 = automate.execute('encrypt', 'password','encryptionKey','sourcePassword.epw')
if(encryptstatus1.getStatus() != 0)  throwVetoException(encryptstatus1.getOutput())

//Encrypt the password of a Service Administrator in the target environment
//This user must also have the Identity Domain Administrator 
//role in the target environment

EpmAutomateStatus encryptstatus2= automate.execute('encrypt', 'targetpassword',
'encryptionKey', 'targetPassword.epw')
if(encryptstatus2.getStatus() != 0) throwVetoException(encryptstatus2.getOutput())

Script for Cloning the Environment

This script uses the encrypted password files created using the preceding script.

EpmAutomate automate = getEpmAutomate()

//Log into the target environment
EpmAutomateStatus loginstatus = automate.execute('login', 'username','targetPassword.epw' , 'targeturl')
if(loginstatus.getStatus() != 0) throwVetoException(loginstatus.getOutput())

//Recreate the target environment
EpmAutomateStatus recreatestatus = automate.execute('recreate' , '-f' )
if(recreatestatus.getStatus() != 0) throwVetoException(recreatestatus.getOutput())

//Copy Artifact Snapshot from the source environment 
//to the target environment
EpmAutomateStatus copystatus = automate.execute('copysnapshotfrominstance',
'Artifact Snapshot', 'sourceusername', 'sourcePassword.epw','source url')
if(copystatus.getStatus() != 0) throwVetoException(copystatus.getOutput())

//import Artifact Snapshot into the target environment
EpmAutomateStatus importstatus = automate.execute('importsnapshot', 'Artifact Snapshot')

//Send an email to a designated user with the status of the 
//snapshot import process
EpmAutomateStatus emailstatus = automate.execute('sendmail', 'email_id' ,'Status of DR' , 'BODY='+ importstatus.getOutput())

//Sign out of the target environment
EpmAutomateStatus logoutstatus = automate.execute('logout')