
Creates a Data Management report and stores it in the outbox/reports folder.

The generated report is named based on the ID of the Data Management job that generates the report and the report format. For example, if the report job ID is 2112 and the report output format that you specify is PDF, the report name is 2112.pdf. The report name is displayed in the console after the report is generated. You can also identify the report name from the Process Details tab in Data Management or by using the listFiles command.

Use the downloadFile command to download the report to a local computer.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Account Reconciliation, Profitability and Cost Management, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User


epmautomate runDMReport REPORT_NAME PARAMETER=Value "Report Output Format=[PDF|HTML|XLS|XLSX]" where:
  • REPORT_NAME is the name of the Data Management report template to be used for generating the report.

  • PARAMETER=Value indicates report parameters and their values. You specify as many parameters as required in PARAMETER=Value format. The list of required parameters depends on the report that you want to generate.


    Report run time parameters are defined when you design your reports. To run this command, you must generate and copy these parameters and values to EPM Automate from the Workflow tab. To generate runtime parameters of a report, in the Workflow tab of Data Management, click Report Execution and then select a group from Report Group. Select the report for which you want to generate the parameters, then click Create Report Script. Optionally, specify report parameter values, then select an output format, and then click OK. Use the parameters shown in Generate Report Script to specify runtime parameters and values to generate the report
  • Report Output Format indicates the report output format. Valid options are PDF, HTML, XLS, and XLSX. The default report format is PDF.


epmautomate runDMReport "TB Current Location By Target Acct (Cat,Per)" "Period=Jul 14" "Category=Forecast" "Location=FCSTtoVISCONSOL1" "Rule Name=FCSTtoVISCONSOL1" "Report Output Format=HTML"