
Launches a business ruleset.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User (if Rule Launch access is granted)


epmautomate runRuleSet RULESET_NAME [PARAMETER=VALUE] where:
  • RULESET_NAME is the name of a business ruleset exactly as defined in the environment.

  • PARAMETER=VALUE indicates optional runtime parameters and their values required to execute the ruleset.


    The ruleset is executed against the plan type to which it is deployed.

    Use PARAMETER=VALUE pairing to specify as many runtime prompts as the ruleset requires. The following example uses two runtime prompts (Period and Entity) and their values (Q1 and USA).

    Default values are used if you do not provide values for runtime parameters. The command ignores runtime prompts that are not exact matches to those defined for the ruleset.

    See Specifying Multiple Values for a Parameter for information on entering multiple values for a parameter.


epmautomate runRuleSet RollupUSSales Period=Q1 Entity=USA