Using EPM Automate Commands

Sequence of Command Parameters

All mandatory parameters for a command must be passed in the sequence identified in command usage. Mandatory parameters and their values precede optional parameters, which can be passed in any sequence. Optional parameters are not positional.

For example, consider the following usage of the login command:

epmautomate login USERNAME PASSWORD EPM-CLOUD_BASE_URL [ProxyServerUserName=PROXY_USERNAME] [ProxyServerPassword=PROXY_PASSWORD] [ProxyServerDomain=PROXY_DOMAIN]

This command has three mandatory parameters; USERNAME, PASSWORD, and EPM-CLOUD_BASE_URL, which should appear in the sequence identified in the usage. The command will return an error if this sequence is not maintained. Optional parameters ProxyServerUserName, ProxyServerPassword, and ProxyServerDomain and their values can be specified in any sequence.

Are EPM Automate Commands Case-Sensitive?

EPM Automate commands are not case-sensitive. How a command name is typed has no impact on command execution. For example, you can type the addUsers command as addusers, ADDUSERS, or AdDuSeRs.

Are EPM Automate Command Parameters Case-Sensitive?

EPM Automate command parameters are not case-sensitive. How a command parameter name is typed has no impact on command execution. For example, you can type the FileName parameter as filename, fileName, or fIlEnAmE without impacting command execution.