Create a Quarterly EPM Cloud Upgrade Cadence

Use these scripts to create a self-service solution to skip updates so that Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environments are updated on a quarterly basis with a two-week test cycle. In this case, the production environments are updated two weeks after test environments.

This script may also be used to skip every other monthly update, if needed. By default, EPM Cloud applies a monthly update to your environments. You use the skipUpdate command to skip the applying of monthly updates to an environment or to view current skip update requests. You can automate the manual running of the skipUpdate commands by using the scripts included in this section. These scripts automate the skip update process so that the updates are applied quarterly or every other month.


  1. You cannot skip updates for more than two consecutive months. For example, the script throws an error if you try to have an EPM Cloud environment updated only in February, June, and November.
  2. All updates that have happened during the intervening period are applied to your environment during the next update. For example, assume that you use this script to schedule quarterly updates to occur only in February, May, August, and November. In this case, the May update, for example, will apply all applicable EPM Cloud monthly updates and patches that were released after the February update to your environment. The maintenance process may take more time than usual when the update is applied.
  3. This script sets up the update cadence for one quarter only. Run this script on a monthly basis to ensure that the update cadence is configured for the whole year.

Running the Script

  1. To run the Windows and Linux/UNIX scripts:
    1. Create the file and update it with information for your environment. Save the file in a local directory. Contents of this file differs depending on your operating system.

      Make sure that you have write privileges in this directory. For Windows, you may need to start PowerShell using the Run as Administrator option to be able to run the script.

    2. Create skip_update.ps1 (Windows PowerShell) or (Linux/UNIX) bash script and save it in the directory where is located.
    3. Launch the script.
      • Linux/UNIX: run ./
      • Windows PowerShell: run skip_update.ps1.
  2. To run the Groovy script, use the Groovy screen in an EPM Cloud business process or automate the script execution using runBusinessRule. For information on running Groovy Script using EPM Automate, see Running Commands without Installing EPM Automate.