Archive Old Matched Transactions and Purge Archived Transactions

Use the scripts in this section to archive matched transactions, including support and adjustment details, that are equal to or older than a specified age and then purge the archived transactions from Account Reconciliation. The archived matched transactions are recorded in a ZIP file.

How the Script Works

  1. Using the information in the file, logs into the environment
  2. Runs the following archiveTmTransactions command to create an archive. Resulting ZIp file and log file use the defaulting names and Archive_Transactions_INTERCO_JOB_ID.log

    epmautomate archiveTmTransactions INTERCO 365 filterOperator=contains filterValue=14001

    You can change the command parameters by modifying the file.
  3. Downloads the log file and the .ZIP file containing archived transactions to the local computer. The script displays an error message if no matching transactions are found.
  4. Copies the .ZIP file containing archived transactions to Oracle Object Store.
  5. Runs the purgeArchivedTmTransactions command (with the job ID of the archiveTmTransactions job) to delete the archived matched transactions from the application.

Running the Script

  1. Create the file and update it with information for your environment. Save the file in a local, directory. This directory is referred to as parentsnapshotdirectory in this discussion. Contents of this file differs depending on your operating system.

    Make sure that you have write privileges in this directory. For Windows, you may need to start PowerShell using the Run as Administrator option to be able to run scripts.

  2. Create transaction_match.ps1 (Windows PowerShell) or (Linux/UNIX) script and save it in the parentsnapshotdirectory where is located.
  3. Launch the script.
    • Linux/UNIX: run ./
    • Windows PowerShell: run transaction_match.ps1.

Creating the Script

Create by copying and updating the following script.



Windows only: Remove these properties from the file:

  • javahome=JAVA_HOME
  • epmautomatescript=EPM_AUTOMATE_LOCATION

If authentication at proxy server is not enabled for your Windows network environment, remove these properties from the file.

  • proxyserverusername
  • proxyserverpassword
  • proxyserverdomain

Table 3-25 Parameters

Parameter Description
javahome The directory where the JDK used by EPM Automate is installed. Delete this entry from the Windows version of

Example: javahome=./home/JDK/bin

epmautomatescript The directory where EPM Automate is installed. Delete this entry from the Windows version of


epmusername User name of a Service Administrator or a Power User, User, or Viewer who is authorized to archive matched transactions.

Example: epmusername=ServiceAdmin

epmuserpassword The encrypted password file for the user identified as epmusername.

Example: epmpassword=myPwd.epw

epmurl The URL of the environment wherein matched transactions are to be archived.

Example: epmurl=

objectstorageusername The ID of a user who has the required access rights to write to Oracle Object Storage Cloud.

For users created in a federated identity provider, specify the fully-qualified name of the user (for example, exampleIdP/jdoe or exampleIdP/, where exampleIdP is the name of the federated identity provider). For other users, specify the User ID.

Example: epmusername=myIdP/jdoe

objectstoragepassword The Swift password or auth token associated with the user identified in objectstorageusername. This password is not the same as the password that the user uses to sign into the Object Storage Console. Auth token is an Oracle-generated token that you use to authenticate with third-party APIs, for example to authenticate with a Swift client. For instructions to create this token, see To create an auth token in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

Example: objectstoragepassword=jDoe_PWD

objectstorageurl The URL of the Oracle Object Storage Cloud bucket with an optional object name appended.

Example: objectstorageurl=

matchtype The identifier (TextID) of the match type from which matched transactions should be archived.

Example: matchtype=cashrecon


The number of days since the transaction was matched. Matched transaction older than or equal to this value will be archived.

Example: age=180

filteroperator The filter conditions to identify the accounts containing matched transactions for archival. Must be one of these: equals, not_equals, starts_with, ends_with, contains or not_contains.

This value is combined with the filterValue to identify the accounts from which matched transactions are to be archived.

Example: filteroperator=not_equals

filtervalues One or more filter value to identify the transactions to archive. If equals or not_equals is specified as the filterOperator, you can use a space-separated list to specify multiple values. If multiple values are specified, transactions from accounts matching any filter operator and filter value combination are selected for archival.

Example: filterValue=101-120 filterValue=140-202

proxyserverusername The user name to authenticate a secure session with the proxy server that controls access to the internet.

Example: proxyserverusername=myProxyserver

proxyserverpassword The password to authenticate the user with the proxy server.

Example: proxyserverpassword=myProxyserver_pwd

proxyserverdomain The name of the domain defined for the proxy server.

Example: proxyserverdomain=myProxyDomain

Windows Script

Create transaction_match.ps1 by copying the following script. Store it in the folder where is stored.

# Archive and Purge Transaction Matching PowerShell script

$inputproperties = ConvertFrom-StringData(Get-Content ./ -raw)

echo "Running processes to archive and purge transaction matching transactions ..."
if (${proxyserverusername}) {
    echo "Running epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl} ${proxyserverusername} ${proxyserverpassword} ${proxyserverdomain}" 
    epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl} ${proxyserverusername} ${proxyserverpassword} ${proxyserverdomain} 
} else {
    echo "Running epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl}" 
    epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl}
echo "Running epmautomate archiveTmTransactions \"${matchtype}\" ${age} filterOperator=${filteroperator} ${filtervalues}"
epmautomate archiveTmTransactions "${matchtype}" "${age}" "filterOperator=${filteroperator}" "${filtervalues}" > ./outfile.txt.tmp

$jobIdLine=Select-String -Path "outfile.txt.tmp" -Pattern "Job ID"; $jobIdLine=($jobIdLine -split ":")[-2]; $jobid=($jobIdLine -split " ")[1];
epmautomate listfiles > ./files.txt.tmp
$transactionslogfound=Select-String -Path "./files.txt.tmp" -Pattern "${logfile}"
$transactionsfilefound=Select-String -Path "./files.txt.tmp" -Pattern "${transactionsfile}"
rm ./outfile.txt.tmp
rm ./files.txt.tmp

if (${transactionslogfound}) {
    echo "Running epmautomate downloadfile \"${logfile}\""
    epmautomate downloadfile "${logfile}"
    if (${transactionsfilefound}) {
        echo "Running epmautomate downloadfile ${transactionsfile}"
        epmautomate downloadfile "${transactionsfile}" 
        if ($?) {
            echo "Running epmautomate copyToObjectStorage ${transactionsfile} ${objectstorageusername} ${objectstoragepassword} ${objectstorageurl}"
            epmautomate copyToObjectStorage "${transactionsfile}" "${objectstorageusername}" "${objectstoragepassword}" "${objectstorageurl}"
            if ($?) {
                echo "Running epmautomate purgeArchivedTMTransactions JOBID=${jobid}"
                epmautomate purgeArchivedTMTransactions "JobID=${jobid}"
	    else {
                echo "EPMAutomate copyToObjectStorage failed. Purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
	else {
            echo "Download of transactions file ${transactionsfile} failed. Copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
    else {
        echo "No matched transactions found. Archive file download, copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
else { 
    echo "Matchtype ID \"${matchtype}\" not found. Archive file download, copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."

echo "Running epmautomate logout"
epmautomate logout
echo "Script processing completed."

Linux/UNIX Script

Create by copying the following script. Store it in the folder where is stored.


. ./
export JAVA_HOME=${javahome}

echo "Running processes to archive and purge transaction matching transactions..."
if [[ "${proxyserverusername}" != "" ]]
    echo "Running epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl} ProxyServerUserName=${proxyserverusername} ProxyServerPassword=${proxyserverpassword} ProxyServerDomain=${proxyserverdomain}" 
    ${epmautomatescript} login "${epmusername}" "${epmpassword}" "${epmurl}" "ProxyServerUserName=${proxyserverusername}" "ProxyServerPassword=${proxyserverpassword}" "ProxyServerDomain=${proxyserverdomain}" 
    echo "Running epmautomate login ${epmusername} ${epmpassword} ${epmurl}" 
    ${epmautomatescript} login "${epmusername}" "${epmpassword}" "${epmurl}" 
echo "Running epmautomate archiveTmTransactions \"${matchtype}\" ${age} filterOperator=${filteroperator} ${filtervalues}"
${epmautomatescript} archiveTmTransactions "${matchtype}" "${age}" "filterOperator=${filteroperator}" "${filtervalues}" > ./output.txt.tmp

jobid=$(grep "Job ID" ./output.txt.tmp | cut -d':' -f3 | cut -d' ' -f2)
${epmautomatescript} listfiles > ./files.txt.tmp
transactionslogfound=$(grep "${logfile}" ./files.txt.tmp | wc -l)
transactionsfilefound=$(grep "${transactionsfile}" ./files.txt.tmp | wc -l)
rm ./files.txt.tmp
rm ./output.txt.tmp

if [ ${transactionslogfound} -eq 0 ]
    echo "Matchtype ID \"${matchtype}\" not found. Archive file download, copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
    echo "Running epmautomate downloadfile \"${logfile}\""
    ${epmautomatescript} downloadfile "${logfile}"
    if [ ${transactionsfilefound} -eq 0 ]
        echo "No matched transactions found. Archive file download, copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
        echo "Running epmautomate downloadfile ${transactionsfile}"
        ${epmautomatescript} downloadfile "${transactionsfile}" 
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]
            echo "Running epmautomate copyToObjectStorage ${transactionsfile} ${objectstorageusername} ${objectstoragepassword} ${objectstorageurl}"
            ${epmautomatescript} copyToObjectStorage "${transactionsfile}" "${objectstorageusername}" "${objectstoragepassword}" "${objectstorageurl}"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]
                echo "Running epmautomate purgeArchivedTMTransactions JOBID=${jobid}"
                ${epmautomatescript} purgeArchivedTMTransactions "JobID=${jobid}"
                echo "EPMAutomate copyToObjectStorage failed. Purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."
            echo "Download of transactions file ${transactionsfile} failed. Copy to object storage, and purging of archived matched transactions will not be attempted."

echo "Running epmautomate logout"
${epmautomatescript} logout
echo "Script processing completed."