Information Sources

The following documents contain information on performing functional administrative tasks for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud components:

Table 2-3 Information Sources for Service Administrators

Document Title Description
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide Lists some common EPM Cloud issues and the procedures to troubleshoot them. Also details the information that you must provide to Oracle Support while seeking help
Administering Planning Explains how to create and administer Planning applications
Administering Planning Modules Explains how to create and administer Planning Modules applications
Administering FreeForm Explains how to create and administer FreeForm applications
Administering Sales Planning Describes how to create an application and enable and configure Sales Planning
Administering and Working with Strategic Workforce Planning Details how to configure and administer Strategic Workforce Planning and complete tasks.
Administering Financial Consolidation and Close Explains how to create and administer Financial Consolidation and Close applications
Administering Tax Reporting Explains how to create, configure, and administer Tax Reporting applications
Administering Profitability and Cost Management Explains how to create and administer Profitability and Cost Management applications
Administering and Working with Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Explains how to create and administer Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management applications
Setting Up and Configuring Account Reconciliation Explains how to set up and configure the account reconciliation process in EPM Cloud
Administering Account Reconciliation Contains information on administering account reconciliation compliance and transaction matching in EPM Cloud
Administering Narrative Reporting Explains how to administer Narrative Reporting
Designing with Reports for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Explains how to administer Management Reporting to create financial and managerial reports
Working with Applications, Models, and Dimensions for Narrative Reporting Explains how to set up and administer Narrative Reporting applications
Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Contains information about the EPM Automate, which helps you automate many EPM Cloud administrative tasks
Administering Access Control for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Contains information about using Access Control to manage user groups and generate various reports to understand service usage
Administering and Working with Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud

Explains how to use Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud to manage all your enterprise data and work with business perspectives.

Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Contains information about using Migration to perform administrative tasks on artifacts and to generate reports that identify artifact changes that have taken place over a period
Working with Financial Reporting for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Contains information on administering Financial Reporting to support EPM Cloud components
Administering Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud

Describes how to use Data Management to develop standardized financial data management processes and validate data from most source systems.

Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud

Describes how to use the Data Integration to integrate data from source systems into Planning and Planning Modules.