Application Design and Runtime Information

This section gives a list of application design and runtime metrics labels with their descriptions.

Table 12-3 Essbase Design Metrics

Design Metric Description
Oracle Essbase ASO Cubes Number of ASO cubes in Essbase.
Max Essbase ASO Dimensions Number of dimensions in the ASO cube that has the highest number of dimensions.
Max Essbase ASO Total Size in MB Size, in MB, of the largest ASO database.
Essbase BSO Cubes Number of BSO cubes in Essbase
Max Essbase BSO Standard Dimensions Largest number of standard dimensions, other than Attribute dimension, in any of the BSO cubes
Max Essbase BSO Sparse Dimensions Number of sparse dimensions, other than attribute dimension, in BSO cube with the highest number of sparse dimensions.
Max Essbase BSO Dense Dimensions Number of dense dimensions in the BSO cube with the highest number of dense dimensions.
Max Essbase BSO Attribute Dimensions Number of attribute dimensions in the BSO cube with the highest number of attribute dimensions.
Max Essbase Total Blocks Number of blocks in the BSO cube with the highest number of blocks.
Max Essbase Block Size in KB Size, in KB, of the block with the largest size in any of the BSO cubes.
Max Essbase Cells in Millions Number of cells, in millions, in the BSO cube with the highest number of cells.
Max Essbase Level 0 Blocks Number of level 0 blocks in the BSO cube with the highest number of level 0 blocks.
Max Essbase Upper Level Blocks Number of upper level blocks in the BSO cube with the highest number of upper level (non-level 0) blocks.
Max Essbase Upper Level Blocks Percentage Percentage of upper level blocks, with respect to the total number of blocks, in the BSO cube with the highest percentage of upper level blocks.
Max Essbase Page File Size in MB Page file size, in MB, in the BSO cube with the largest Essbase page file.
Max Essbase Index File Size in MB Index file size, in MB, in the BSO cube with the largest Essbase index file.
Max Essbase Hourglass/Modified Hourglass Deviations on Dense Number of deviations in the current model from the hourglass or modified hourglass model for dense dimensions in the BSO cube with the largest number of deviations.

In the hourglass model, dimensions in a BSO cube are ordered from the largest dense dimension to the smallest dense dimension followed by the smallest sparse dimension to the largest sparse dimension.

In the modified hourglass model, dimensions in a BSO cube are ordered from the largest dense dimension to the smallest dense dimension, then by the smallest aggregating sparse dimension to the largest aggregating sparse dimension, and then by the non-aggregating sparse dimensions.

Max Essbase Hourglass Deviations on Sparse Number of deviations in the current model from the hourglass model for sparse dimensions in the BSO cube with the largest number of deviations.
Max Essbase Modified Hourglass Deviations on Aggregating Sparse Number of deviations in the current model from the modified hourglass model for aggregating sparse dimensions in the BSO cube with the largest number of deviations.
Min Essbase Clustering Ratio Percentage Essbase clustering ratio of the BSO cube with the lowest Essbase clustering ratio.

Essbase clustering ratio is a measure of fragmentation of page files. The maximum clustering ratio is 1, which indicates no fragmentation. The lower the clustering ratio, the more fragmented the Essbase database.

Hybrid enabled Identifies whether the Essbase version on the current environment supports hybrid cubes. For detailed information, see About Essbase in EPM Cloud.

Application design changes that occurred during the last 24 hours

This section provides an audit trail of application design changes, if any. Information available in this table includes application name, type and name of the modified design artifact, identity of the user who modified the artifact, and the time when the changes were made. Data changes are not reflected in this table.
Section of the Activity Report that shows application design change data

Application size

This section of the report explores the size of the application. Information available includes the data size (includes the size of snapshots and files available in the inbox and outbox), size of Essbase data, and the size of the maintenance snapshot.

Essbase BSO and ASO Cube Statistics

These sections provide statistics about each ASO and BSO cube in the application.

  • Statistics available for every BSO cube:
    • Number of Total, Standard, Dense, Sparse, and Attribute Dimensions
    • Block Size in Cells and KB
    • Number of Total, Level 0, and Upper Level Blocks
    • Percentage of Upper Level Blocks
    • Number of Essbase Cells in Million
    • Essbase Density- Block Density and Average Clustering Ratio
    • Page File and Index File Sizes in MB
    • Data Cache and Index Cache Settings in MB
    • Number of Deviations from the Hourglass/Modified Hourglass Model for Dense Dimensions
    • Number of Deviations from the Hourglass Model for Sparse Dimensions
    • Number of Deviations from the Modified Hourglass Model for Aggregating Sparse Dimensions
    • Number of Data Load, Restructure, Calc Execution, and Spreadsheet Extraction operations
  • Statistics available for every ASO cube:
    • Number of Total and Attribute Dimensions
    • Maximum Key Length in Bits and Bytes
    • Number of Input-level Cells, Incremental Data Slices, Incremental Input Cells, Aggregate Views, Aggregate Cells, and Incremental Aggregate Cells
    • Percentage Time of Querying Incremental Data Slices
    • Total, Input-level Data, and Aggregate Data Sizes in MB
    • Pending Cache Size Limit in MB
    • Number of Restructure and Spreadsheet Extraction operations

Dimensions for Cube

Shows statistics and dimension order for each cube within the application, assisting in reviewing the usage order and performance metrics. The list is organized according to the dimension order in the application, which affects how Essbase calculates the dimensions. Additionally, the table includes the total number of dimension members based on various settings such as data storage type (Store, Never Share, Label Only, Shared Members, Dynamic Calc and Store, and Dynamic Calc) and the operators being used.

You can also take valuable insights into Runtime Stored Levels and Bits Used, enabling more effective diagnosis of ASO Rule Performance issues.

ASO Cube Dimension Statistics (a Partial View)