Calculation Script Statistics

The Activity Reports contains the following information about calculation scripts that were executed in the environment:

  • Top 5 longest running calculation scripts that took over one minute to execute.
    Section of the Activity Report that shows the top five worst performing calculation script that took more than one minute to finish

  • Top 10 Calc Script Commands By Number of Blocks Created

    This table identifies the top 10 business rules that resulted in the creation of the largest number of blocks during the day.
    Section of the Activity Report that shows the 10 business rules that created the largest number of blocks

  • Top 10 calculation scripts by average duration

    This table identifies the business rules that were executed for the longest duration. Available information includes the name of the calculation script, the number of times the script was run, and the average, minimum and maximum durations.
    Section of the Activity Report that lists the top 10 calculation script by duration of execution

  • Top 10 calculation scripts by execution.
    Section of the Activity Report that shows the top 10 calculation scripts that were run during the day
  • Top 10 longest performing calculation scripts executions.
    Section of the Activity Report that lists the top 10 calculation scripts executions that took the most time