Enterprise Journal Runtime Metrics

The Activity report presents the following Enterprise Journal Runtime Metrics:

Label in Activity Report Description
EJ Journal Periods Total number of Journal Periods
EJ Used Journal Periods Total number of Journal Periods that have been used (status - not pending)
EJ Active Journal Periods Total number of Active Journal Periods (Open or Closed)
EJ Latest Open Journal Period Name of the Latest Open Journal Period
EJ Templates Deployed Total number of times Templates were deployed in Journal Periods. For example, if one Template was deployed in four Journal Periods, the value would be 4
EJ Templates Deployed in active Journal Periods Total number of times Templates were deployed in Active Journal Periods. For example, if one Template was deployed into four Journal Periods, but only two were currently Active, the value would be 2
EJ Journals Total number of Journals
EJ Open Journals Total number of Journals in an Open status
EJ Posted Journals Total number of Journals set to Posted status
EJ Ad-Hoc Journals Total number of Ad-Hoc Journals of any status
EJ Recurring Journals Total number of Recurring Journals of any status
EJ Posted Journals to Cloud Financials Target Total number of Journals posted to Cloud Financials by direct integration
EJ New Journals in 1 day Number of new Journals created in the last day by either Ad-Hoc or Recurring deployment. If Journals were re-deployed over existing Journals, they will only be counted as new if the original journals were deleted
EJ Opened Journals in 1 day Number of Journals set to an Open status in the last day. This includes Journals that were reopened
EJ Closed Journals in 1 day Number of Journals set to a Closed workflow status in the last day
EJ Posted Journals in 1 day Number of Journals set to a Posted status in the last day
EJ New Journals in Last 30 days Number of new Journals created in the last 30 days by either Ad-Hoc or Recurring deployment. If Journals were re-deployed over existing Journals, they will be counted as new only if the original journals were deleted.
EJ Opened Journals in Last 30 days Number of Journals set to an Open status in the last 30 days. This includes Journals that were reopened
EJ Closed Journals in Last 30 days Number of Journals set to a Closed workflow status in the last 30 days
EJ Closed Late Journals in Last 30 days Number of Journals set to a Closed workflow status in the last 30 days that had ever been late
EJ Average Duration of Closed Journals in Last 30 days Average duration (in days) for Journals set in Closed status in the last 30 days. Duration is calculated from the time the Journal was open to the time it was closed
EJ Posted Journals in Last 30 days Number of Journals that were set to a Posted status in the last 30 days
EJ Average Duration of Posted Journals in Last 30 days Average duration (in days) for Journals set to a Posted status in the last 30 days. Duration is calculated from the time the Journal was Ready To Post to the time it was set to Posted
EJ Posted Journals to Cloud Financials Target in 1 day Number of Journals posted to Cloud Financials by direct integration in the last day
EJ Posted Journals to Cloud Financials Target in Last 30 Days Number of Journals posted to Cloud Financials by direct integration in the last 30 days
EJ References Total number of files uploaded
EJ References By Used Size in MB Total size in MB of all files uploaded
EJ Alerts on Journals in Last 30 days Number of Alerts associated with Journals in the last 30 days
EJ Closed Alerts on Journals in Last 30 Days Number of Alerts associated with Journals set to the closed Status in the last 30 days