Adding Custom Dimensions to an Extended Skill

A key configuration task is to ensure that your extended Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules skill has the same dimensions as your EPM Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules environment.

The EPM Digital Assistant comes pre-populated with the Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules dimensions contained in the sample application. When you configure, you also add the members for those pre-populated dimensions. See Importing Application Value List Entities.

Since you can add up to four custom dimensions in Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules, when you set up the EPM Digital Assistant, you need to add those custom dimensions to your extended Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules skill.


The name of the custom dimension and its members you add to an extended skill should match the names you use in the Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules environment.

Understanding the Difference When Using the Term Entity

Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting customers should note that the term entity as used in Consolidation and Close or Tax Reporting represents a dimension that is a key consolidation component representing organizational hierarchy within a company. This is different from use of the term entity and entities in Oracle Digital Assistant.

In Oracle Digital Assistant entities are variables that identify key pieces of information from user input that enable the skill to fulfill a task. The entities add context and help to describe the intent more fully and enable the EPM Digital Assistant complete the user request.