Considerations When Using Smart Push

When using Smart Push, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • Smart Push honors metadata and approvals security.

  • Smart Push requires that at least one of the dense dimensions, account or period, is set as a dimension-to-dimension mapping in the data map definition.

  • Numeric data across all members selected for dimensions listed in the unmapped section of the source cube in the data map isn't listed in the Smart Push definition.

  • A Data map has an exclusion when the Smart Push is defined:

    1. using a form context
    2. with no exclusion on the form definition

    In this case, it is recommended that you define the Smart Push as " Run after save" on the Web form since no exclusion is picked up by Smart Push.

    When Smart Push is defined through Groovy, then the exclusion is picked by Smart Push from the Data map.