EPM Integration Agent Script Example

The following script example shows how to call an external API that provides exchange rates, and then prepares the data for upload in a format that can be processed by way of an integration defined in the Data Exchange section of the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud. The setup steps in the EPM Cloud use an agent instance as the data source for an integration with an EPM Application as a target. Note that this script is provided only as an example, and it is not warranted against defects, and users may not file a service request with Oracle support in regards to any questions or issues related to the script.

''' This jython script calls an external API to get exchange rates, and then generates a file which is picked up by the EPM Integration Agent '''

import json
import urllib2

''' Turn off SQL processing by AGENT '''


''' Set Proxy for HTTP call. Needed when connected via VPN ''' 

proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'www-proxy.example.com:80' 'https': 'www-proxy.example.com:80'})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener)

''' Set up URL for rates download.  Please see the URL for additional information in regards to options. ''' 

currency = 'USD'
ratesurl = 'https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest?base=' + currency
fxrates = urllib2.urlopen(ratesurl)
text = json.loads(fxrates.read())
allrates = text['rates']

agentAPI.logInfo("Jython Script - RateExtract: URL - " + str(ratesurl))

''' Generate file for loading into the EPM Cloud '''

outfilename = agentContext["DATAFILENAME"]
outfile = open(outfilename, "w")

''' Generate header row '''

outfile.write("Account,Currency,Entity,From Currency,Scenario,View,Rate" + chr(10))

''' Generate a row for each rate '''

for toCur,toRate in allrates.iteritems():
    mystr = "Ending Rate" + "," + str(toCur) + "," + "FCCS_Global Assumptions" + "," + "FROM_" + str(currency) + "," + "Actual" + "," + "FCCS_Periodic" + "," + str(toRate) + chr(10)


agentAPI.logInfo("Jython Script - RateExtract: Output File Name - " + str(outfilename))