Using a BefExport Event

When writing back using the EPM Integration Agent, use the BefExport event to perform any action before inserting data to the table or you can override the default insert processing.

The following script example shows how to call an external API that executes before the write-back.

The BefExport event in this example:

  • prints the contents of the agentContextParams map
  • fetches and prints the table name into which the data is inserted.
  • fetches and prints the insert query
  • prints an info message to the agent process log. This entry is logged to the process log in EPM_APP_DATA_HOME\logs and epmagent.log.

For information about EPM Integration Agent Context functions, see EPM Integration Agent Context Functions.

Note that this script is provided only as an example, and it is not warranted against defects, and users may not file a service request with Oracle support in regard to any questions or issues related to the script.

import sys
import java

Before export custom script. This script will be called before the writeback begins execution.
#print Begin:

#print 'Event Type is: ' + event

Print the contents of the agentContextParams map which is an unmodifiable map. 
#print 'JOBTYPE: ' + agentContext["JOBTYPE"]
#print 'EPM_APP_DATA_HOME: ' + agentContext["EPM_APP_DATA_HOME"]
#print 'JOBID: ' + str(agentContext["JOBID"])
#print 'INTEGRATION: ' + agentContext["INTEGRATION"]
#print 'LOCATION: ' + agentContext["LOCATION"]

getTable() Method to fetch the table name into which the data will be inserted. This is 
passed from cloud to the agent during the writeback execution call.
#print "Printing Table Name: " + agentAPI.getTable()

getInsertQuery() Method to fetch the insert query. This is the query which is
passed from cloud to the agent during the writeback execution call.
#print "Printing Query: " + agentAPI.getInsertQuery()

Log an info message to the agent process log. This entry will be logged only to the process log in EPM_APP_DATA_HOME\logs
folder and not to epmagent.log. The log entry will be created at INFO log level.
#agentAPI.logInfo("SAMPLE: INFO log message from script")

Log an severe message to the agent process log. This entry will be logged into the process log in EPM_APP_DATA_HOME\logs
folder and also into epmagent.log. The log entry will be created at SEVERE log level.
#agentAPI.logError("SAMPLE: SEVERE log message from script")

Uncomment to skip the export data execution. The writeback execution can be skipped only during the
BEFORE_EXPORT event. This will skip the execution of the insert statements. The cloud process will be marked as failed in the Export data step. 

Return false in case of error, which will throw an exception in the agent.

#print "End:"