Use the SQL expression type to assign any SQL expression that can be used in a SQL INSERT statement for a value. To use a source value, enclose the value inside $ $. For example, if you want to reference UD1, specify it as $UD1$. Use only one source value in the source expression.


You cannot use dimension name such as $MyAccount$. You can reference only dimensions that are used in the import format, and not any column in the TDATASEG table. (You can find the names of the columns for dimensions in the Data Table Column Name field on the Application Details page.)

The parameters are sql(""). For example, to return the value "S1" when the UD4 source value is "031010," or otherwise return the value "S2", specify the SQL expression: sql("CASE WHEN $UD4$ = ’031010’ THEN ‘S1’ ELSE ‘S2’ END").