Migrating Schedules to the EPM Platform Job Scheduler Important Considerations

The following are important actions and considerations when migrating scheduling jobs:

  1. Before performing the Migrate Schedules to Platform Jobs Scheduler task, make a backup or Data Management Snapshot using the exportDataManagement EPMAutomate command or Executing a Snapshot Export Job in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud in System Maintenance tasks.

    The regular Lifecyle (LCM) snapshot backup does not include schedules. If you delete old schedules, there is no way to recover the old schedules without a Data Management snapshot.

  2. Schedules are always migrated in Merge mode. Once a schedule is migrated, it is not updated again. However, you can delete the schedule and migrate it again. You can run the migration process repeatedly.

  3. When you migrate the schedule, you have the option to delete the existing schedules from Data Management.

    If you choose not to delete existing schedules, then both the new and the old schedule execute at the same time and can cause data corruption issues.

  4. Schedules are created in the EPM Platform Job Scheduler under the user running the migrate process. The schedules can be created only by an Application Administrator so always run the migrate process using a user with Planning Administrator or Consolidation Administrator roles.

  5. After schedules are migrated, a job is executed under the user who migrated the schedule. Jobs are always run as an Administrator. If the original schedule was created by a Power User or by a user with a Run Integration role, jobs are run in an elevated role. If there are requirements to enforce security or other validations applicable to non-admin users, then those validations are not enforced. Oracle will consider adding support for running scheduled jobs as non-admin user if there is demand in a future release.

  6. Schedules with execution times defined as Last Day or Last Day - 1 are not supported in the EPM Platform Job Scheduler. If you have requirement to run the jobs on the last day of the month, then schedule a separate job for each month.