Defining Oracle NetSuite Application Options

You can define specific Oracle NetSuite application property options.

To specify application properties:

  1. From the Application page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the Oracle NetSuite application, and then select Application Details.

  2. From Property Name, select the value to add or change in the Property Value drop-down.

    Available properties:

    • Postingperiod—Select the posting period from which to load data.


      If you need to load data by a specific period, for example, by a specific month, use a posting period filter that contains a period ID. The period ID is created in the posting period filter and returned by the Saved Search used for filtering data.

      Oracle NetSuite provides several types of date filters: a named time period, for example, last fiscal year, a custom date range defined by a specific start date and end date, and a relative date range defined by a beginning number of days, weeks, months, quarters, or years ago, or from now, to an ending number of same. See the NetSuite "Search Guide" for more information on setting up filters.

    • Mainline—Select True to load the Primary Information field group in a transaction, as opposed to line item data entered on the transaction’s tabs. Otherwise, select False.
    • Posting
  3. Click Save.