Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension Type

In the Application option, you add a new target application for the class of dimension or dimension type. This application is used as the target application for loading metadata. When you add a dimension, Data Integration creates six-dimensions applications automatically: Account, Entity, Custom, Scenario, Version, and Smartlist.

To register an application for a class of dimensions or dimension type:

  1. From the Data Integration home page, and then Actions, select Applications.

  2. On the Applications page, click Image shows Add icon. (Add icon).

  3. On the Create Application page, and then Category, select Dimensions.

  4. From Application, select the target application.

  5. To specify a prefix name to use with each target application, in Prefix, specify a unique name.

    Image shows the Create Application page.

  6. Click OK.

    Data Integration creates the dimension application name using this format: "Application Name -" + Dimension Type.

    You can add dimensions multiple times. Data Integration checks if a dimension application exists. If a dimension exists, it is skipped, and if not, it is created. This enables you to delete applications as needed and recreate it.