Integration Definition Reference

After the initialization of the EPM Planning Projects and Project Management integration has successfully completed, Data Integration loads the following out of box integration definitions to the Application page.

Integration Definition Description

Export Project Budget

Export Budgets of approved projects from EPM Planning Projects to Project Management.

Export Projects

Exports approved projects from EPM Planning Projects to Project Management.

Exported Project Status Sync

Updates the integration status in EPM Planning Projects of projects whose budgets have been exported to Project Management.

Launches automatically after Export Project Budget completes.

Import Project Actuals

Imports Actuals of projects that are present in EPM Planning Projects from Project Management.

Import Project Budgets

Imports Budgets of projects that are present in the EPM Planning Projects from Project Management.

Import Project Organizations

Imports the Entity hierarchy from the Project Management to EPM Planning Projects.

Import Project Properties

Imports project properties such as the start date and end date from Project Management when projects are imported from Project Management.

Launches automatically after Import Projects completes.

Import Projects

Imports projects from Project Management, which are not yet available in EPM Planning Projects.

Imported Project Status Sync

When projects are successfully imported into EPM Planning Projects from Project Management, the status is marked as integrated in EPM Planning Projects.

Launches automatically after Import Project Budget completes.