
PercentOfTotal is a mathematical function that returns the result of a numeric value, row, column, or cell divided by another numeric value, row, column, or cell which is multiplied by 100.


PercentOfTotal (arg1,arg2)


  • arg1 is a component of the running total (arg2), usually a row or column reference.

  • arg2 is the running total relative to arg1, usually a cell reference containing the grand total.

  • arg1 is divided by arg2 with the result multiplied by 100. Arg1 and arg2 are one or more of the following values:

    Argument Description


    A numeric value. For example, PercentofTotal(100,20) returns the value 500.

    Numeric values can include decimals and negative values. See Numeric Arguments.

    row, column, or cell reference

    A pointer to a row, column, or cell within a grid.


    An embedded function.

    See Mathematical Functions.


Return the value of 5.


Divide the value of each cell in column A by the total market value in cell A5, multiply the result by 100, and display the resulting PercentOfTotal in column B.

PercentOfTotal ([A],[A,5])

Using the above example, the following table shows the PercentOfTotal results in column B:

The table describes an example of PercentofTotal function


You enter the formula by clicking on the header for Column B and using the formula bar.