About Components

Business rules and templates can include several types of components.

  • Formula Components—Calculation statements that you can write or design using members, functions, and conditional statements

  • Script Components—Only calc script statements.

  • Condition Components—Conditional statements (that is, If...Then statements) that are either true or false.

  • Member Block Components—Contain one member that you specify.

  • Member Range Components (or metadata loops)—Contain lists of metadata members (for example, lists of accounts).

  • Fixed Loop Components—Contain loops of metadata that, for example, loop through a list of members like accounts.

  • Metadata Loop Components—(custom templates users only) Contain a parameter or parameters that you can apply to the children of a parent dimension.

  • DTP Assignment Components— (custom templates users only) Contain design-time prompts and the conditions that you define for them.

You can create formula and script components independently of the rules and templates in which they are used. Because they are independent objects, you can open, save, edit, delete, and export them from within the System View.

Unlike formula and script components, you must create the other component types from within rules and templates. You cannot open, save, delete, or export them independently of the rules and templates to which they belong.


As you create components, you may want to leave the business rules, components, templates and variables you are working with open. Calculation Manager displays these objects in a tabbed interface so you can move easily among the tabs as you are creating components. You can have as many as ten tabs open within Calculation Manager, but Oracle recommends that you not open more than ten objects simultaneously for optimum performance.