Changing Formula and Script Components from Not Shared to Shared

To change a formula or script component from not shared to shared, you must ensure there is not another shared or unshared formula or script component that has the same name within the Planning application type. Shared objects must have unique names across applications, so you cannot create a shared object with a name that is already used.

To share a formula or script component, ensure that the Shared check box is selected on the component's Properties tab when you drag and drop an existing component into a rule or template's flow chart. (The Shared check box is selected by default.)

To change a formula or script component from not shared to shared:

  1. In System View, right-click the rule or template, and then select Open.
  2. When the Rule Designer or Template Designer opens, do one of these tasks:
    • To share a formula or script component:

      • In New Objects, drag the formula or script component, and drop it into the desired location in the flow chart.

      • On the component's Properties tab, select Shared, and name the component.

    • To share a formula or script component that is already in the flow chart:

      1. Select the component in the flow chart.

      2. On the component's Properties tab, select Shared, and name the component. All shared components must have a name.

  3. Select , Save.