Clearing Data From Aggregate Storage Applications

To clear data from an aggregate storage application:

  1. In System View, click Database Properties button.
  2. In Enterprise View in the Database Properties tab, expand an aggregate storage application.
  3. Right-click an ASO cube, then select Clear, and then select an option:
    • All Data—Clears all data from the database

    • All Aggregations—Clears all aggregated data values from the database

    • Partial Data—Clears data from a specified region in an aggregate storage database, and retains the data located in other regions

      When you select to clear partial data, enter an MDX expression to define the region to clear, and select either Logical or Physical to specify type of data clear

      • Logical—Data in the specified region is written to a new data slice with negative, compensating values that result in a value of zero for the cleared cells.

      • Physical—Data in the specified region is physically removed from the aggregate storage database.

      To use the Member Selector to create MDX syntax, click Member Selector button. In the Member Selector dialog box, select a member or members, or use a function from each dimension, and then click OK to create the MDX expression.

      For example:


      Note that the MDX expression is validated when you click OK to clear the data. If you modify the MDX expression directly, it will validate before running.


You can only clear data from databases for which you have permissions.