Exporting Business Rules, Business Rulesets, Templates, and Formula and Script Components

When you export an application, an object, or multiple objects, they are exported to an xml file that can be imported into other Calculation Manager applications.


You can export objects from any view: the System View, the Custom View, and the Deployment View. You can export one object or multiple objects.

To export objects:

  1. Do one of these tasks:
    • To export rulesets, expand Rulesets.

    • To export rules, formulas, scripts, or templates, expand the plan type, and expand Rules, Formulas, Scripts, or Templates

  2. Do one of these tasks:
    • To export one object only, right-click it, and then select Export.

    • To export multiple objects, select the objects you want to export, right-click, and select Export. Use Shift + Click and Ctrl + Click to select contiguous or non-contiguous objects within different calculation, plan types, or databases, different object types (for example, business rules and formulas), and different applications within an application type.

      After you select Export, you are prompted to open or save the generated .xml file.

  3. In File Download, do one of these tasks:
    • To view the contents of the generated .xml file, select Open.

    • To save the generated .xml file without first viewing it, select Save, enter a name for the file (or accept the default), and click Save again.